View Full Version : headinclude help

02-15-2002, 07:17 PM
I added some javacode in the headinclude template. It is a popup that triggers for all non registered users. I mage a template for the popup and placed the appropriate code in global.php so it displays only to the targeted group. Then, in forumdisplay and showthread I placed $adpopup right after the </body> tag. It works fine except that all other pages are giving me the java error, because they do not have it.
It will be a pain to put it the various </body> tages. Is there a way to do it globally?

02-16-2002, 05:42 AM
I'm assuming you are using a JavaScript function for the pop up, right?

Well then create another template, that has something like function name () { return true; } or whatever (I really don't konw JS), and use that template if the user is not a guest. Then you won't get an error.

02-16-2002, 11:13 AM
yes that is java and stupid me. I removed it from headinclude and put it straight in forumdisplay and showthread between <head></head>