View Full Version : auto image size adjustment

02-14-2002, 05:51 PM
I got this hack from another thread, can't find the link, but I had it saved to my hard drive.

It adjusts all images that are posted using the tag to a size of 400.

I was hoping somebody could help me tweak this hack.

in /forums/admin/function.php


if($dobbimagecode and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showimages])) {
// do [ img]xxx[ /img]
$bbcode = preg_replace("/(\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"".iif($allowdynimg,"","\?\&")."]*)(\[\/img\])/siU", "<img src=\"\\5\"

border=\"0\" alt=\"\">", $bbcode);

replace with

if($dobbimagecode and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showimages])) {
// do [ img]xxx[ /img]
if ($thispic1[0] != ""){
$size = GetImageSize("$thispic1[0]");
if ($size[0] >= 400){
$bbcode = preg_replace("/(\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"".iif($allowdynimg,"","\?\&")."]*)(\[\/img\])/siU", "<img

src=\"\\5\" border=\"0\" width=400 alt=\"\">", $bbcode);

$bbcode = preg_replace("/(\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"".iif($allowdynimg,"","\?\&")."]*)(\[\/img\])/siU", "<img

src=\"\\5\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">", $bbcode);



NOTE: I had to put a space in the image tags "[ img]xxx[ /img]"

The part that I would like help with is getting is so that the image automatically makes itself clickable to see the full version. Can somebody please help me out with this?

I was also wondering if something like this could also be implemented to the attach feature, so that if somebody attaches an image into a post it does the same thing, where it's small and clickable for the larger version?

If somebody could please help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for any help you can offer. :(