View Full Version : How do you add a graphic background to your style?

02-12-2002, 11:16 PM
I am new at this and want to add a graphic bg to my style but I have no idea how, can anyone please help me out? I'd appreciate it lots! :p

02-13-2002, 06:38 PM
Do you mean border around your forums or just an image as your background?

If you mean just an Image as you background. go to
Modify Styles in the the body tag change where it says bgcolor=#somecolor to this

background="{ imagesfolder}/background.gif"

remove the space after the { before imagesfolder

And if you want your background image to be watermarked. which means to stay stationary and have your forums slid over the background without the background moving add


before the code mentiond above. this is a nice effect if you make your Page Background Color Transparent

So your Body Tag will look like this

<body bgproperties="fixed" background="{ imagesfolder}/background.gif" text="#CCCCC8" id="all" leftmargin="10" topmargin="0" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" link="#000020" vlink="#000020" alink="#000020">

02-16-2002, 08:49 AM
Oh my! I hadn't seen this, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post, I really appreciate it! :)

02-16-2002, 03:09 PM
hey. I got the back ground thing working but there is the other back ground also that is bothering me. You know how VB gives ya 2 different back grounds. Well i got the pic working for the back ground around the logo up top and all but there in another back ground around the actual forums. Is there any way i can get rid of that and have the picture that my back ground is set to be the back ground for the back ground around the forums? Lol wheew that was alot. I hope you understand. Thank you.

02-17-2002, 06:19 AM
go to your header template.

<table bgcolor="{ pagebgcolor}" width="{ tablewidth}" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0">

and Remove it or comment it out by adding
<!-- --> around it.

This will remove the background color you're talking about from your forums home page and most of the site, but there will still be a couple places when view or replying to a thread where it will still be seen.

Newreply template, newpost template, etc.

just do a search for bgcolor="{ pagebgcolor} and remove it or comment it out also.

02-17-2002, 03:15 PM