View Full Version : Stop this from happening Hack??

02-11-2002, 06:56 PM
Is there a way to stop users from being able to select this option:

Invisible on 'Online users' list Yes No

02-11-2002, 07:49 PM
In the following templates: registeradult, registercoppa and modifyoptions
Remove this:

<td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}"><normalfont><b>Invisible Mode?</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>Selecting yes allows you to surf the forums without appearing in the 'Logged In Users' list.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}"><normalfont>
<input type="radio" name="invisible" value="yes"> yes
<input type="radio" name="invisible" value="no" checked> no

Andy Z
02-11-2002, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Dark_Wizard
In the following templates: registeradult, registercoppa and modifyoptions
Remove this:

<td bgcolor="#13486D"><normalfont><b>Invisible Mode?</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>Selecting yes allows you to surf the forums without appearing in the 'Logged In Users' list.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#13486D"><normalfont>
<input type="radio" name="invisible" value="no" checked> no

and then replace with:
<input type="hidden" name="invisible" value="yesORnoHERE">
Where value=yesORnoHERE is replaced by either a yes or no value depnding on what you want. This will set it to whatever you want it to and the user doesn't see the option at all. You'll also need to change it in the user options page template and and do the same thing in there (I'm not sure what the name of it is though). :D

02-11-2002, 10:18 PM
ok thanks i will try it now.

02-11-2002, 10:23 PM
is it userCP i need to change it in?

02-11-2002, 10:25 PM
I found it. It is called modifiyoptions (I hope) i will try it now.

Andy Z
02-11-2002, 10:54 PM
that sounds about right, how'd it go?

02-11-2002, 11:06 PM
It does not appear in my User CP but it does appear in the Admin control panel, but it don't matter as only i can get to it there. So it works. I will sign up as a member then see if i can select it. I will let you know hold on.

02-11-2002, 11:09 PM
Yep it works. Thanks everyone.

Andy Z
02-11-2002, 11:15 PM
your welcome

Andy Z
02-11-2002, 11:18 PM
also, the invisble option appears in User Control Panel > Edit Options. It is the first option.

06-14-2002, 11:33 AM
This looks like the hack I was asking for in another thread, but I have a question...

If your forums already have users who selected the option to be invisible, what query would I run in SQL to turn that option off for those user profiles after I've disabled the ability for the users to change it.

I mean, if there are already a dozen users with Invisible = "Yes" then they'll still be invisible even if I disable their ability to change it -- right?