View Full Version : Control Moderator Email from User CP

02-09-2002, 10:00 PM
This hack will allow forum moderators to control the send email on new threads and posts options for the forums he or she moderates. It will also allow moderators to skip subscribing to threads in their own forums. Plus, since the unhacked subscribe-to-forum function sends no email notification, my hack will overcome that.

The new controls are presented in the moderator's user CP. If a user moderates no forums, the user CP will remain unchanged.

This hack will work on versions 2.2.1 through 2.2.4.

02-10-2002, 06:58 PM
Here is a screenshot as an example.

02-10-2002, 08:20 PM
interesting, I may install this l8r :)

04-19-2002, 08:18 PM
Thanks!! I just was about to make this Hack by myself :)


04-19-2002, 10:58 PM
Glad you can use it. My board has tons of moderators, so I try to keep them happy.

04-21-2002, 03:18 AM
Admins have their own CP.

Super moderators do not appear in the Moderator table.

Rabbit, this probably isn't the hack for you since it is entirely dependent on existing definitions of the moderator table.

But I do agree that super moderators should have email notification ability even without my hack. A possible new hack?