View Full Version : phpbb-esque posting code

02-10-2002, 01:05 AM
Has anyone been sucessful in getting vbulletin's posting features to have a vb code area similar to that used in phpbb 2? Rather than have javascript dialog boxes come up asking for bold text, etc., phpbb edits the content of the message box directly, even allowing you to preselect the text you want bolded and press "b" to have that enclosed within tags.

02-10-2002, 06:07 AM
phpBB also uses javascript, so no news here
and regarding enclosed tags with preselected text, i think that Chen made a hack for this, you may select your text, then hit Bold and voila, its done :)

02-10-2002, 06:37 PM
It's not the javascript I want to get rid of, but instead those (most annoying) popup boxes that ask you for the content to put between the tags. phpbb's method is as follows:

Pressing any of the tag buttons will insert the tag at the current cursor's position, or if text is highlighted, around the highlighted portion. For example, if I have "this portion of the text" (enclosed in quotes) highlighted, and then click on bold, etc., the result would be "this portion of the text".

This seems a lot more intuitive and professional to me. I've read some threads where there was a concern with Netscape users, and admittedly I have not tested this feature with Netscape, but it should be possible for the javascript to just not function when Netscape is detected. I'll look for something by Chen and see what I can find. This is the only thing holding me back from releasing vBulletin to our guests at this time.

- P

02-10-2002, 06:48 PM
Well, I assume "Chen" is "FireFly"... I think?

In any regard, I can't find any such hack by him. I did see one by S.mi.. something, althought the highlighting portion appears to be unintentional. I'll have to find that thread number.

02-10-2002, 07:44 PM
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24033 (The thread in question...) Still uses popup boxes and doesn't work so well when you hit cancel (the highlighted portion is lost forever ;)

02-16-2002, 05:24 PM