View Full Version : Win Count

02-09-2002, 12:06 AM
at my forums (www.otakuforums.com) we have a lot of GFX battles and I wanna have like a little points system that adds automactically.

When one of the battlers makes a thread in the battle forum, he will have options on how many votes till win. And he writes the usernames of the battlers (like u can make more username like int he POLL options)

When one of the battlers gets 10 votes the vbb automatically gives him a point in GFX b and lists the names of his wins and loses in his profile page.

This would be a great hack if anyone makes it!

02-14-2002, 12:07 AM

08-30-2002, 12:18 PM

08-30-2002, 01:59 PM
People here have been a bit lazy latly, gfroce is the only guy going crazy with hacks.

Anyways, I would start by making a new style for this system, so you can make specific template modifications, that would really help towards the end result.

I hear you are pretty good with php ;) So you should be able to compile a script to recognize certain words, and at the beginning the user who starts the battle will be able to select the participants...

Hmm..this seems like a good idea, I run a graphics community, maybe I will make this for my board, and if it works our give it to you.