View Full Version : Thread Starter table/column too wide, fix?

02-04-2002, 08:39 PM
Look here: http://www.theforumz.com/forumz/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=3

The column that has the thread starters name in it is wider then the rest. I was hoping to lessen the width of that and increase it a little for the thread titles.

Can somebody please let me know how to do this?

Any help would be appreciated.


02-04-2002, 09:00 PM
Look at the forumdisplay_forumlist templae. There some width settings on the columns there.

02-04-2002, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by FWC
Look at the forumdisplay_forumlist templae. There some width settings on the columns there.

Well with an s added tot he forum part of that and I find a template, but it is for the main page. When I searched I did find forumdisplay_threadslist which I believe is the one I want, but I still can't find the place where I change a number or add a number to make that only as wide as the longest name in there.

Any other ideas? :confused:

02-04-2002, 09:53 PM
Sorry, I fixed this problem long ago and I don't have a lot of time because I'm at work. However, it's the forumdisplaybit template. I'm not sure if there is a typo in that one.

02-04-2002, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by FWC
Sorry, I fixed this problem long ago and I don't have a lot of time because I'm at work. However, it's the forumdisplaybit template. I'm not sure if there is a typo in that one.

That was it! Thanks for sparing some of your... I mean your bosses time to help me out. :D
