View Full Version : Search Forum Titles hack

02-04-2002, 08:22 PM
Hi there.

I'm working on a site with a large number of forums, and wanted to add a forum title (and optionally description) search to my index page. Anyone know how I'd go about doing this?

ezboard (http://ezboard.com) does this, for instance. You can search their categories to find just the one that floats your boat.

YahooGroups (http://groups.yahoo.com/) has an interesting variation. They have a single search, and list category results (which would be title/description results in vB terms) first, and THEN results from within topics. Cool. :surprised

I saw an old post from netspark regarding this kind of stuff from back in April of 2001. Unfortunately, his code doesn't seem to translate too well to vB as it is today. (to a non-coder, anyway)

He made it look relatively simple, though, for whatever version it was coded for. You can see his code here:


If some folks can cook up a modern equivalent, it might be nice if this was released as a regular hack. Many of the vBs I visit are rapidly growing in complexity with many forums, and everyone just loves to search. :) I mean, seriously, even if a site had just 20 forums, I'd almost rather search than scroll. Or search rather than reading through lengthy descriptions (for sites that use them), to make sure I participate in just the right forum. Makes sense for time-strapped visitors. Could increase participation a great deal.

Thanks in advance for any help... :)


02-09-2002, 07:35 PM
So anyone know how to do this? :D Or update netspark's old code to work with 2.2.2?