View Full Version : how would you...

01-31-2002, 11:28 PM
hello. I want to know how you would add a thing to the currently active users thing and the users online today hack that says how many admins and Mods are/came on. If you look at my attachment, I have it say how many members and how many guests are on. I would like to add another thing next to it that says how many admins and how many Mods are on. Then I would like to do the same thing for the users online today hack. Thanks in advance.

02-03-2002, 02:26 AM
hmmm... nobody knows how to do this?

02-03-2002, 01:02 PM
In index.php add something like this in the loop when fetching all the online users:
if ($user['usergroupid']==5 or $user['usergroupid']==7) {
} elseif ($user['usergroupid']==6) {
} else {
I can't give you the exact code right now because I don't have access to any files.

02-03-2002, 04:59 PM
So, would that make it so the Mods and Super Mods aer in one thing, the admins are in another thing, and the Normal Users would be in another thing?

I don't have access to files right now either, because my webhost is doan and has been down for days... I bought a new webhost but since my other one is down I can't downlaod the database...

02-08-2002, 11:25 PM
Well, I really have no clue where to add that code. Can you tell me now?