View Full Version : First time upgrading Hacked Board *Questions*

Aaow AnD wHiTe
01-31-2002, 08:06 AM
Hello everyone :)

As the subject says, this is our first time upgrading a hacked board (we never hacked it until 2.2.1). We have some questions:

- We have a few hacks that modify the database (i.e. vbStats) Do we have to run the installer again after the upgrade so it modifies the database again?

- We have our board totally translated to spanish, and we have some other template modifications. What would you sugest us to do to make the upgrade and change the templates the right way? Maybe revert the modified templates once the upgrade is done and translate them again?

Well, that's all :) We hope you can help us! Sorry for our english, hope everyone can understand us ;)

01-31-2002, 04:33 PM
No, you don't have to run the installer again. Your database will be fine. Nothing gets removed in the upgrade.

You can do the templates that way. There weren't many changes this time.

Aaow AnD wHiTe
02-01-2002, 03:54 AM
Thanks FWC!! ;)

We'll let you know when we upgrade.

Thanx again :)

02-01-2002, 04:27 AM
Correction. With vB stats you will need to run upgrade because some of your templates will get deleted because they are in the default set. Don't run the full install, just upgrade.

Aaow AnD wHiTe
02-01-2002, 04:54 AM
Ok! thx again :)

Well, maybe this helps. These are the hacks we have installed:

Pips & Stars 2.0
Template Backup System
vBStats 203.01
Welcome Panel Final
vBulletin Links Hack 1.3

So... everytime we make an upgrade, the templates that are created in the default set are overwritten? Wouldn't it be easier if we manually create some identical templates, but as "custom" templates?

Sorry again for our english :-S

02-01-2002, 06:35 AM
Originally posted by Aaow AnD wHiTe
Ok! thx again :)

Well, maybe this helps. These are the hacks we have installed:

Pips & Stars 2.0
Template Backup System
vBStats 203.01
Welcome Panel Final
vBulletin Links Hack 1.3

So... everytime we make an upgrade, the templates that are created in the default set are overwritten? Wouldn't it be easier if we manually create some identical templates, but as "custom" templates?

Sorry again for our english :-S Yes, it's easier if you make them custom templates. One trick you can use it to go through each template and edit it. Just add a character, save it and go back and delete it. Don't revert it. Then when you upgrade it will automatically move to custom templates. :)

Aaow AnD wHiTe
02-01-2002, 06:42 AM
Lol, you are a vB master!! ^__^ Thanx!

However, we had to edit EVERY template in our vB (including the ones vBStats, vBLinks, etc... created) due to the spanish translation we made. If we don't touch anything, maybe it will move them to custom templates, won't it? Or we actually HAVE to delete it before the upgrade to 2.2.2? *scared* LOL

Thanx again! If you ever need anything from us, just let us know!

02-01-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Aaow AnD wHiTe
Lol, you are a vB master!! ^__^ Thanx!

However, we had to edit EVERY template in our vB (including the ones vBStats, vBLinks, etc... created) due to the spanish translation we made. If we don't touch anything, maybe it will move them to custom templates, won't it? Or we actually HAVE to delete it before the upgrade to 2.2.2? *scared* LOL

Thanx again! If you ever need anything from us, just let us know! Since you have edited every template already, you are safe. The hacks in the default templates will move to custom templates. :)

Of course, you should still do a backup first. :)

Aaow AnD wHiTe
02-02-2002, 05:27 AM
Thanx again, pal! :)

We learn a lot here!

BTW, we've just checked out your board! It's very cool!. Here in Spain, Baseball is a pretty unknown sport :( When we went to NYC last September, we were amazed by the incredible amount of baseball fields you have!! From the plane we saw hundreds of them O_O We've never watched a baseball match, we would love to :)

Here, the king of all sports is football (f?tbol in spanish or soccer, for you americans :), followed by basketball.

Well FWC, thanx again!

See you ;)

02-02-2002, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by Aaow AnD wHiTe
BTW, we've just checked out your board! It's very cool!. Here in Spain, Baseball is a pretty unknown sport :( When we went to NYC last September, we were amazed by the incredible amount of baseball fields you have!! From the plane we saw hundreds of them O_O We've never watched a baseball match, we would love to :)

Here, the king of all sports is football (f?tbol in spanish or soccer, for you americans :), followed by basketball.LOL!! Yes, baseball is only big in certain countries. It's popular in North and South America. Also in Japan and Korea. We do have two members from England and a guy from Australia showed up recently. We are always asking them how they became fans. :)