View Full Version : IP ban but a member (selected) can get through

01-30-2002, 12:08 PM
i had heaps of trubble early yesterday morning with some people trying to crash my board and well i did general IP bans one of our members got blocked as well

i don't know if there is a hack out there for this or not but i really really need it ASAP i got at least 3 members now that can't access the message board

02-02-2002, 11:54 PM
is it posible to make this hack ?????

ultimate family
02-03-2002, 09:24 AM
Its due to how some isp work.

NTL for one only use a few ip address what means you could end up with a number of users on your board with the same ip.

your better off banning the e-mail address they use to sign up with and make it so new users have to Verify Email address in registration.

and you could always Moderate New Members before giving them posting rights on the board.