View Full Version : [Release] - BFC Weblog v1.2

09-25-2000, 09:17 AM
I have updated the BFC Weblog with some needed improvments to the way it pulls info from the database and how it displays it on the page. For the uninitiated, the BFC Weblog is a Slashdot-esque news system that uses vB for its backend. It treats one forum as a news forum and parses it for news. It's fast, no more noticable strain than showthread.php and highly customizable. You can see it in action at


You can download it at


You can read about v1.0 here (http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=1842).

List of changes in this version:

changes since 1.0
@ Rewrote database connectivity to use the pre-existing vB scripts
@ Added categories
@ Added Reply to this Article
@ Edited, paginated readme.txt (this file)
@ Edited bfc.php to reflect new OO methods

Post questions here, I'll attempt to answer them.

-- Paul

[Edited by AC-3 on 10-05-2000 at 06:23 PM]

09-25-2000, 09:39 PM
Nice Paul, good job!
Thanks for sharing this with us!

09-25-2000, 09:59 PM
Small note:
on the links Eternity Productions Headlines
on your site, you have it double linked, like this;

Easy to fix, I just thought I should let you know!

10-04-2000, 12:12 PM
where can i get a zip copy of this, the download link is not working ?


10-05-2000, 09:26 PM
the above link to the zip should be fixed now...

what a difference one character makes :)

10-05-2000, 09:56 PM
Is there any changes made AC-3? All I could tell was that I had to edit the category.php because it was set up to work on the root instead of the /forums directory, but the rest worked fine!
Great hack btw thanks for your effort!

12-14-2000, 03:14 AM
does this work with 1.1.4?

12-14-2000, 07:34 AM
Yes. Works just fine.

Warning: Image Gallery Hack won't work correctly if you install BFC WebLog.

12-16-2000, 02:41 PM
I installed it, and it works fine for members who are logged it. But if someone (like you) who is not logged in, it displays this: http://www.nintendolegacy.com/newindex.php3 take a look at the error it gives to someone who is not logged in. Any help? This is kinda urgent, thanks. :)

12-17-2000, 03:33 AM
Is there any way to make what's shown on the front page cut off after a certain amount of bytes or words? Then a link "Read More..." kinda thing?

12-20-2000, 12:35 AM

It says that set_cookie thing was already sent by header or something when I installed weblog w/ 1.1.3 & .4.. you have to be logged in to view the news

it work's w/ 1.1.2 tho..

vBo uses 1.1.3.. don't understand..