View Full Version : vBulletin wont let me ....

09-24-2000, 12:30 AM

Im in my admin trying to make my own special vB code and what it spits out to the forum is messed up. Everytime there is a period "." or a QuestionMark "?" or a parenthese "(" and ")" it sticks a backslash in front of it.

This is what I was doing ...

Code to replace:

Code to insert:

&quot;<B><A HREF="#" onClick="window.open('popups/drdeco.html','decopop1','WIDTH=300,HEIGHT=250,scro llbars=yes,LEFT=100,TOP=200,screenX=100,screenY=20 0');return false" onMouseOver="window.status='Who is Dr Deco'; return true" onMouseOut="window.status=' ' ;return true" style="font-family:arial; text-decoration: none;">Who is Dr. Deco?</A></B>&quot;

But this is what it prints to the browser:

"Who is Dr\. Deco\?"

And this is the Actual code it prints when I view the source:

"<B><A HREF="#" onClick="window\.open\('popups/drdeco\.html','decopop1','WIDTH=300,HEIGHT=250,scr ollbars=yes,LEFT=100,TOP=200,screenX=100,screenY=2 00'\);return false" onMouseOver="window\.status='Who is Dr Deco'; return true" onMouseOut="window\.status=' ' ;return true" style="font-family:arial; text-decoration: none;"><A HREF="#" onClick="window\.open\('popups/drdeco\.html','decopop1','WIDTH=300,HEIGHT=250,scr ollbars=yes,LEFT=100,TOP=200,screenX=100,screenY=2 00'\);return false" onMouseOver="window\.status='Who is Dr Deco'; return true" onMouseOut="window\.status=' ' ;return true" Ttyle="font-family:arial; text-decoration: none;">Who is Dr\. Deco\?</A></B>"

Notice all the backslashes before the periods, parenthese and question marks. Is there a way to hack this to make it stop doing this? Im trying to make my own Special tag for a signature for a Quest Speaker in my forum.

Here is the URL (http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?threadid=162) to the page on my forum where you can see the results:

Can someone tell me what is going on and how or if it can be made to work?



09-24-2000, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by ExtremeFactor
Here is the URL (http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?threadid=162) to the page on my forum where you can see the results:

Can someone tell me what is going on and how or if it can be made to work?



Here is the URL (http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=3415) to the other post where you posted this question.


09-24-2000, 02:00 AM

I don't follow your post. Does that mean you don't know?

09-24-2000, 03:37 AM
I think he's saying that you shouldn't post the same question twice on two different forums...cross-posting is a no-no. :)

09-26-2000, 04:23 AM
If you look at the time stamps you will see that I made the other post first, then I got a few emails almost right away asking me to further explain because they had something similiar and 1 of them (a moderator here, but I wont say names since it seems people are more inclined to complain than actually help) suggested I move the this line of questions to the "HACKS" forum since the "questions" forum may have not been the best place for it as more "coders" might look here. So I reposted my question here and then went back and edited the other question to make it the exact same as here since I couldnt actually delete the post there or actually MOVE it to here. That would have been a Moderators job.

Then, after all of that I get a reply to this post with something that could only be understood as rude and not helpful at all. I did as the other moderatorsugested and I move the questions to this category and he must have obviously known what he was talking about as not a single person has replied to the other post. Unfortunately there hasnt been anything helpful to this one either. People are more than willing to jump in when you do something for them like release a hack but when the shoe is on the other foot we only get critisism? ... And here I thought that by following what I was told and then making the other the same as this one to be more clear I was doing the right thing.

09-26-2000, 12:41 PM
There was no way to know this - the moderator should have moved the post...personally I would have mentioned this in my second post to avoid such things.

No big deal though...I don't really care either way - hehe. :)

[Edited by TWTCommish on 09-26-2000 at 09:44 AM]

09-28-2000, 12:07 PM
So can anyone help me with this problem?


09-28-2000, 03:44 PM
Most likely your problem has to do with Special Characters, Magic_Quotes and the Addslashes function in PHP...

Do a search on those things in the forum and you will find your answer. I personally can't explain it better at this time though.

09-28-2000, 03:57 PM
Hello wluke,

Is there a way to get around this? Meaning, is there a way for me to do what it is I am trying to do?
