View Full Version : Would appreciate a little help with this one....

drives fast
01-15-2002, 01:46 AM
A little history first if I may......

I am trying to make a private files page integrate with my forum. I previously did the chat hack that basically adds a complete extra set of templates renamed and created a forum called "Private Files"....put my code in the forumdisplay template...and used access masks to allow access.

I recently found an updated process for integrating jIRC into the vbulletin with a simple php script and one custom template. This works perfect at checking for logged in status for entry. I also made my regular files page by using this method which works perfect too at ensuring that the visitor be a logged in member.

I now am trying to make my private files page use this method but I needed to be able to control who could access it.

Here's what I did.....

1) I created a custom template named "main_privatefiles"
2) I created a usergroup called "Site Supporter/Files" (I already have the perks hack installed with a usergroup called "Site Supporter")
3) I added in the modified perks hack code to recognise the new usergroup and it worked perfectly.
4) I tried to modify the main_chat.php script to authorize usergroupid 11 (which is the :Site Supporter/Files" usergroup but there is where the problem came up.

This is what the php script that looks for logged in or error_nopermission...I apologise to the author because I don't remember who it was to give credit


if( $bbuserid ) {

$user = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid = $bbuserid" );
$bbusername = $user[username];
} else {
} // end if

What I need this script to do is allow admin, super mods, mods and usergroup 11 to view the page in template "main_privatefiles" and nobody else.

See..before.............. using the access masks...when I received a donation I had to drop the member into the "Site Supporter" usergroup and submit changes and then re-enter their member file and edit their access masks to allow them access to the private files forum.

This way....I can drop them into the usergroup 11 (Site Supporter/Files) and take care of two steps in one. When their access time expires I can then just drop the member into the usergroup 9 (Site Supporter) and they still have their perks as a supporter but do not have access to the private files page.

I hope this all made sense....I don't express my ideas well.

If anyone could help me with the above script to authorize only the admin, super mods, mods and usergroup 11, I would love you forever.

I thank you folks in advance for reading my B.S.

01-15-2002, 03:03 AM
I think you can just change this line:if( $bbuserid ) {toif($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6 or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5 or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7 or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 11) {

drives fast
01-15-2002, 03:49 AM

You are a life saver, FWC. That did exactly what I needed it to do. I had tried something similar but had some if's in there instead of or's.

Thank you thank you thank you.

01-15-2002, 05:10 AM
Glad it worked. I was going to be really embarrassed if it didn't. :D