View Full Version : Bitbenderforums

01-14-2002, 08:33 PM

I've been real busy, and hadnt noticed that the hacks had thier own 'house', so i'm here !!

Please when convienent, have a look at my board:

Bitbenderforums (http://www.bitbenderforums.com)

We've been open now about 6 months, and are at 2.0.3, with a boatload of hacks in it!! I'm in the process of upgrading to 2.2 on a test server, and just starting to retro the hacks over(glad it's test! :) ) ... Just a few of honorable note:

Usenet Gateway
Karma (the latest)
Signature Editor

So, Howdy all, and I hope to see y'all about!!

PHP Rules :cool:

01-15-2002, 12:08 PM
One thing's for sure, you have lots of "newest members" on your board. ;)
Looking good!

01-15-2002, 12:19 PM
Well, the newest members thing is me...

I see em register, and after the email verification has been completed, I create a "welcome" thread, and a newsfader entry pointing to it... Seems to be a good source for welcomes to the newbies from the community....

Mainfamers...we are a 'odd' lot!

01-16-2002, 02:18 AM
Thanks for mentioning "all the New members fader messages!!"!

I went and looked, and obviously, my end dates for all my newsfader entries expired at the end of 2001 !!

Oh no!! A Y2K issue !!

So now, all my constant news items are flowing thru the fader again !!

01-16-2002, 09:32 AM
Ahh, that's better! :)

01-18-2002, 01:24 AM
One thing I forgot to mention. We only present the usenet forums, and sub forums to guests. To see the complete forums, one must register. ;)

Now, being that most of us are forum tenders an such, I realize that not everyone would want to register, so I have test usernames for guest viewing, so please PM me if you would like to use one of them. They are read only.