View Full Version : major problem

01-12-2002, 02:25 AM
Firefly, I just found out that the 559 members that I imported into my albums cannot use it. Why? In the other software after registration they get a confirm email. By clicking on that email, then they create themselves a folder which is chmod 777.

I might have to manually create 559 folders unless I find myself a command to do so.

Is there a way to automate that task? by selecting all username from db and mkdir("directorypath/$username", 0777);

I am sorry about the other post. I clicked on new instead of reply. I did not mean to create two threads. Anyway, disregard it because it works.

01-12-2002, 04:38 AM
It works? good. :)

01-12-2002, 04:46 AM
the link that you gave me the other day about php... these people are great. They posted about 8 lines of code for me and I was able to in 10 seconds to create all 559 folders. And mkdir at new registration takes care of the new comers. :).

I have one last thing to do and I am done: recompile php with gd support. Since I am learning as I am going, I had rather find myself someone to do it for me so I do not mess things up, specially I could not find a folder apache-1.3.19 mentionned in phpinfo with the configure that I am supposed to run at the command line. I looked all over for those.