View Full Version : Password for a thread

01-11-2002, 11:03 AM

I need to protect only one thread with a password that I'll give to the members who may access it.
In fact, it's because there is a poll to know who is the "MISS" and the "MISTER" of my classroom :D
So, I'll make a thread for girls where they can vote and the same for boys.
But, I don't want the girls to be able to see the thread for the boys and the boys to see the thread for the girls...
I hope it's not so difficult to do.
If you need more pieces of information, just ask ;)

Thx in advance !

PS : excuse my english if it is bad, i'm a belgian guy

01-11-2002, 12:03 PM
This is a good Question >> We need an answer .. PLS detailed answer