View Full Version : mIRC Highlight vB Code

01-09-2002, 08:20 PM
Hi, I wanna know if someone could helpme with this. My forums are about mIRC Scripting (not online yet). My request hack is something like this: a button, that lets me insert mirc code, and highlight it. I know it's hard to do, it's not like the php one that have a funcion in php to do it, but even the spaces that begining the line (increased by two if they're in a {}). The colors would be nice, but if you can't its ok. Thks

Note: instead a line that says Code: Would be perfect that it says mIRC Code or mIRC Script.

Thks again.

PD: Sorry for my english.
PD 2: I got some textpad syns for mIRC, if this help, tellme I'll attach it here.

Scott MacVicar
01-10-2002, 09:27 AM
vBulletin doesn't do any sort of syntax aligning and the syntax highlighting is a function within itself to highlight php code. I'm a former Server Admin on some IRC servers and i used mIRC alot, its the mIRC editor which does the syntax sorting for the mIRC script and it then just writes it to the ini file in the syntax correct format.

You can add more BBCodes via the admin panel.