View Full Version : PLease O please (simple hack)

01-05-2002, 07:06 PM
HTML code or VB code in USERNAMES

I have tried to do this my self, but am not succesiful:(

I am sure this cant be to hard!

BUt even if this is to hard, would someone improve this so that it would work on 2.2.1


( I think its half way down in the thread Palmer ofShinra hack)
(I can't seem to find the right place to insert this code)

Anyways thanks!!

01-06-2002, 11:47 PM
comon comon!!

01-07-2002, 12:52 AM
i think it's work u try this way:

also use that code but put it above this code:

$jointime = (time() - $post[joindate]) / 86400; // Days Joined

and goto postbit template replace




good luck!!:D:D:D

01-08-2002, 12:35 AM
HEy thanks a lot bud!;)

Your now 99% teh coolest guy on the earth

To make it 100% help me out wit this little problem:D

How do I remove the large gap between users name and title! It has to be the code in the php file!???

Normal users are fine,
but mods and admins, that have the affect added, look like this

Thanks again bud!

01-08-2002, 03:40 AM
i don't know what ibside ur postbit template!!

but i think maybe u should remove the <br> or something like that

that's all i think about !!but i don't know it can work or not

good luck~~

hope u understand my poor english~~:D

01-08-2002, 10:16 PM
hmmthanks buddy, It can't be the posttemplate cause I removed the <br> and then the the regular users titles appear right next to the there username?? So thats why I figure it has to do with the php script?

o welll Guess you have to live with some things!

Thanks anyways!

01-09-2002, 12:07 AM
that's so strange!! :confused: :confused:

see my pic i remove the <br> then it looks better

i think that's u want am i ??
