View Full Version : Should it be Hacker or Hack of the Month?

12-22-2001, 06:43 PM
Don't mean to be a party pooper, but shouldn't the hacks be nominated and not the hackers. This gives you alot more room for nominations and I believe more interest in the voting over the long run. Plus, it gives those who wrote just a couple (or one) hacks a chance at getting some fame.:D

Who's going to be nominated next month? All the same names again? They are the cream of the crop. I can see it now. Firefly will win this month. Kier, Tubedogg, or Ed Sullivan will win the next and so on.

Sure, they deserve the credit but it's the hack that should be nominated and not the hacker. When the hack wins the hacker gets the credit automatically. Quality is what we're looking for.;)


p.s. I noticed your using my vBcode and smilie user interface improvement. Thanx, a great honor.;)
I think it would have had a chance at winning hack of the month. See what I mean.

12-23-2001, 10:45 AM
Gee, I thought I would be rocking the boat with my post. No interest in discussing my post from anyone?


12-23-2001, 11:15 AM
Hi Scott,

I don't disagree with you - I think your suggestion has merit and logic. I just think that right now - with the holidays upon us and the first 'Hacker of the Month' conest almost about to end, it wouldn't be realistic to agrue about it, let alone change it.

If it's ok with you, I'd like to split your posts (and my reply) from this thread into the DISCUSSION forum (where, frankly, it should be held) where the community can further discuss this. We may well indeed find ways of incorporating your idea as well.

Thanks - and Merry Christmas :)


12-23-2001, 06:15 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
Hi Scott,

I don't disagree with you - I think your suggestion has merit and logic. I just think that right now - with the holidays upon us and the first 'Hacker of the Month' conest almost about to end, it wouldn't be realistic to agrue about it, let alone change it.

If it's ok with you, I'd like to split your posts (and my reply) from this thread into the DISCUSSION forum (where, frankly, it should be held) where the community can further discuss this. We may well indeed find ways of incorporating your idea as well.

Thanks - and Merry Christmas :)


12-23-2001, 08:58 PM
OK, I welcome everyone to contribute their suggestions and thoughts here :)

12-23-2001, 10:42 PM
me votes for Hack

12-27-2001, 05:34 AM

Sorry for not replying earlier, I was away.
We will consider your suggestion (it makes a lot of sense actually, sad we didn't come up with it earlier).

Thanks. :)