View Full Version : Admin image hack?

09-20-2000, 12:53 PM
This is a suggestion and question - if it has been done before already, can you point me to the post? If not, is it possible?

Anyway, on some fully-threaded forum programs (the two examples i can give you are the forums at diabloii.net and at battle.net), there is a little image next to the Admin's name, letting people know that said person is an admin.

As admin of a UBB, I have had trouble with people imitating me before. Someone registered under my name with a simple ASCII code stuck in the middle of it, and it looked *exactly* like me. I just think that, with an image stuck by the Admin's name, it would be a lot harder to impersonate someone like that.

Thanks in advance!


09-20-2000, 05:51 PM
I think you can do this in your admin control panel. Click on Modify under usergroups and permissions (very bottom of the left table). and then click on edit next to the Administrator title. Once there, you can use simple html <img src ... next to the user status.

Hope that helps.

09-20-2000, 06:20 PM
That should work.

And of course, if someone is "impersonating" you, you can always force them to change their name - with you being an admin and all. :)

09-20-2000, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by TWTCommish
That should work.

And of course, if someone is "impersonating" you, you can always force them to change their name - with you being an admin and all. :)

Yeah, as soon as I figured out what they were doing, I deleted the account and banned all the IPs that said account had been using.

Also, thanks for the info BikeForums. When I finally get around to switching to vBulletin, I'll be sure to try that.
