View Full Version : [Mini-hack] Have separate redirect messages for if you are or aren't posting a poll

12-20-2001, 10:00 PM
This is just a small hack that I got the idea to do out of nowhere. It just hit me while watching TV. :) Basically, all it does is it changes the message you see on the redirect screen after you post a new thread or new post, so that you do not see the part about posting a poll. If you have actually opted to post a poll, you will see a new redirect message, that explains what is about to happen in slightly more detail. It's mainly a cosmetic touch, and doesn't really add anything practical per se.

It's very simple to install. It is a single modification to newthread.php, modifying one template, and adding a new template. You should be able to do it in less than a minute. :) (I know this because it took me less than a minute to actually create this! Seriously, it took longer for me to type this thread than to do this hack.)

Sadie Frost
12-21-2001, 11:25 AM
Cool! You don't know how much that poll part annoyed me lol (I know, I'm sad...)



12-21-2001, 01:45 PM

Nice :)

Island Roots
12-21-2001, 02:24 PM
Nice hack. :)

12-21-2001, 04:05 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sadie Frost
Cool! You don't know how much that poll part annoyed me lol (I know, I'm sad...)



Sadie Frost
12-21-2001, 04:49 PM
lol - well, I figure, if I install the hacks before I really open my board, then when it get's screwed up (which inevitably happens) it's not that big a deal!

But you have some really useful hacks - makes my life easier :) And your integrated chat hack is next on the list! lol

I don't think I'm advanced enough to actually have requests lol. I'm going to attempt to look at your location hack and see if I can make that work for other profile fields. (Now that the location one makes the page look so nice, I can't stand to see other blank fields in there!)

I would like to see a modification of (I think it's) bira's search for threads started by user hack that puts that option on the search page so you don't have to find one of their posts to do it. But that's just out of laziness really. :)