View Full Version : Hey FireFly

12-21-2001, 01:06 AM
I dunno why exactly but I have vbhacks.org registered and would like to know if you would mind if I just redirect it here? If so, what are the DNS settings I need to place on the domain name? You can pm or e-mail me or just post them here (that is if you want the domain to redirect to here).

Just trying to help out :) - I dunno why I have the domain anyway.

John Percival
12-21-2001, 12:18 PM

Thanks for the offer.

If you want to point the domain at our DNS servers, here are the details:
Primary Server Hostname: NS1.DN.NET
Primary Server Address:

Secondary Server Hostname: NS2.DN.NET
Secondary Server Address:

Let me know when you do this, and I will update the settings as needed at our end. My email address is john@jelsoft.com



12-21-2001, 04:49 PM
Sent a little while ago, glad I could help out. Sorry if I placed it in the wron forum.

Chris Schreiber
11-19-2002, 04:34 PM
Hey there, we just moved server and have 2 new name servers... so if you'd like to continue pointing that domain to vb.org, feel free to update your name servers to ns1.jelsoft.com and ns2.jelsoft.com.


11-20-2002, 01:26 PM
Major bumpage there, Chris. :D

New server's looking l33t, btw. :)

11-22-2002, 02:34 PM
Wow, this thread is pretty old, Chris, if you wish, you can delete that username for me as that is my old username before this one. I did not even realize this thread was still here ;).