View Full Version : Different (old style) quotes

Martin CX
12-18-2001, 10:00 PM
I'm currently modifying a vBulletin board which is going to take the place of an old WebBBS. One of the problems my test-users are having, is the different quote-system in the vBulletin board.

They are used to seeing quotes like this:

?I'm currently modifying a vBulletin board which is
?going to take the place of an old WebBBS. One of the
?problems my test-users are having, is the different
?quote-system in the vBulletin board.
?They are used to seeing quotes like this:

This type of quoting may not look as fancy as the default quoting in vBulletin, but it has many other advantages; the ability to "double-quote", or to easily split the quoted text if you want to comment specific parts of a quote.

So, with some difficulty (as I am no programmer) I managed to create such a function. And it works quite well, if I may say so myself. :D

The script used is mainly Dominic J. Eidson's creation with a few modifications by yours truly. It is a fairly straight forward hack (1 template edit, 1 file mod).

12-19-2001, 01:01 AM
I won't use it personally, but I'm sure other people need this, great job :)

12-19-2001, 01:50 AM
why changing ?
u can use the two quotes no ?

Martin CX
12-19-2001, 03:26 AM
-.valkyrie, thanks. :)

floleb7, I'm not sure if I understand your question? The reason you would change is, if you - when you quote a post - rather than this:[QUOTE]Originally posted by Martin CX
You can modify this hack in several ways. First of all I use ALT-0155 ('?') as prefix as this only takes up one character instead of '> ', but you can, of course, use any prefix you please.

Furthermore you can specify another line-length by modifying the value of '$cols'.

Martin CX
09-30-2002, 12:44 PM
Now, I realise this isn't the MOST popular hack. Even so, I've refined it somewhat (sometimes empty lines showed up between quoted paragraphs - they're gone now), and I've updated the instructions to 2.2.8.

What can I say, my users requested this hack relentlessly and are very happy with the results. I guess my users are a breed apart! :D