View Full Version : Mark User As Contributor
12-14-2001, 10:00 PM
Quite simply, if you have a donation system on your forums, you may wish to have a way of having donating members stand out from the freeloaders ;)
This hack will place text/icon/whatever you choose both within their profile and on their posts, in a spot of your choosing.
Administrators set whether a user is a contributor within the Admin control panel.
Please remember to backup your database first!!
This is a very simple hack including just a couple of file and template edits, and two new templates. The new templates and database changes are made by the included install file.
See this thread ( for screenshots :)
If there are any problems, please post below...
12-14-2001, 10:25 PM
this is independant of groups, correct?
12-14-2001, 10:28 PM
Certainly is - I didn't want something that was dependant on user groups :)
12-14-2001, 10:43 PM
That looks awesome. Can the hack be configed in the user cp to show different titles (like user title) or images instead of just saying "Contributor"?
12-14-2001, 10:48 PM
The 'Contributor' part is taken from its own template, so you can set it to be whatever you want HTML-wise. As for different user titles, not at this time...
12-14-2001, 10:54 PM
i will be testing this hack soon. i'm interested in using it. :)
12-14-2001, 11:18 PM
Thanks!! Been waiting for this one!! :)
12-14-2001, 11:27 PM
I've just started my forums' donation system, so you should be able to see a demo there once someone makes a donation (!)... :)
12-15-2001, 02:44 AM
Hey..instead of it saying "Contributor" how can I make it say "Contributor" and under it have an image? And also, instead of it saying "Contributor" how do I change what it says? I've looked in the templates but that didn't help...Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! :)
12-15-2001, 02:48 AM
Just edit the relevant template :) (postbit_donation)
12-15-2001, 02:56 AM
Ohhh...Gotcha, thanks man! :)
12-15-2001, 02:59 AM
Dude this thing works great, I can't thank you enough for it!!! Thanks so much!!! :)
12-15-2001, 03:42 AM
Awesome hack, thank you so much! :) Anyone have a spiffy donation icon there using? Hmm, red star? /me thinks... :)
12-15-2001, 06:31 AM
Glad you like it :) I'm actually having someone do an icon for me cos I have no idea either! LOL :)
I hope to have an addition to this sometime where you can easily keep track of how much a user has donated (should that hold any bearing).
I did something very much like this Mark. Heres an extra idea for yours. When someone does donate if you wish to track the amount thats great :) But make sure that you include an option in the system with an on off switch per user for those who dont want the amount displayed.
While you as an admin may appreciate every $5 donation that comes your way, they as users may not want to donate $5 if its going to show that they "Only donated $5" Hope you understand what I mean. Its kind of silly, but some folks are really sensative about such things. If you need help let me know.
I had a $100+ donation and the member asked me not to publish his information... his wife visits the site also, shes already mad that he owns a handfull of bikes, hehehe :)
12-15-2001, 08:34 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bane
I did something very much like this Mark. Heres an extra idea for yours. When someone does donate if you wish to track the amount thats great :) But make sure that you include an option in the system with an on off switch per user for those who dont want the amount displayed.
While you as an admin may appreciate every $5 donation that comes your way, they as users may not want to donate $5 if its going to show that they "Only donated $5" Hope you understand what I mean. Its kind of silly, but some folks are really sensative about such things. If you need help let me know.
12-15-2001, 12:22 PM
Well this is the icon that my board uses when someone donates money to us....Use it if you'd like! :) One of our members made it for us :)
12-15-2001, 01:16 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Radon3k
Well this is the icon that my board uses when someone donates money to us....Use it if you'd like! :) One of our members made it for us :)
12-15-2001, 01:36 PM
Nevermind, didn't look as good as I thought it would... :)
12-15-2001, 11:03 PM
I'm just using this:
Robert Basil
12-16-2001, 03:42 AM
I had to do the install (table update and template installs) by hand as I am running v2.2.0 (for some reason I kept getting an error on line 39 code)
And have a few hacks that use a few lines of your modified code, so I had to play with those a bit......
But it now works GREAT! Thanks you soooooo much!
12-16-2001, 03:51 AM
Great hack, installed in about 5 minutes - just got to make a neat little icon I can place by their names and I will be all set :).
Thanks once again for such a great hack!
12-16-2001, 05:10 AM
I'm glad you both like it :)
Heres my icon: (small red star)
12-16-2001, 07:51 AM
me steels star pic! :p
hey joe, i was looking through a couple of yer threads. seems like you have lots of contributers. cool. :)
12-16-2001, 08:14 AM
Great hack Markb, well done. But you already knew that ;)
12-18-2001, 11:14 AM
Can you tell me how I can get it to show that they are a contributing member to all members of my board? I have set one of my members up with this hack showing they are a contributing member but only the member can see it as well as I, none of the other memebers can see the star that I am using to mark my users as a donating member?
Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated.
12-19-2001, 01:29 AM
12-19-2001, 03:21 AM
I've no idea why that's happening - the hack isn't as complicated as that would suggest...? Are you sure you added everything as it appears in the docs?
12-19-2001, 07:55 PM
installed. works. :)
12-19-2001, 08:34 PM
Yeah, word for word, piece by piece
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
me steels star pic! :p
hey joe, i was looking through a couple of yer threads. seems like you have lots of contributers. cool. :)
12-19-2001, 10:21 PM
just got my first donation. 15 beans. :) this will help with server costs and such.
Hey hack.
I posted a suggestion for a possible upgrade to this hack i the Requests forum, but it has since become buried--with no replies.
I' copying my suggestion from that forum below:
I would like for someone to take this a step further and allow multiple levels of contributors.
A user who donates 5 bucks and a user who donate 100 bucks should not receive the same kudos, IMO.
How about modding this hack for say a three tiered system? Kinda like Bronze, Silver, and Gold level contributors?
Whatcha think, Mark?
12-21-2001, 03:53 AM
I agree with Van, he has a good idea and a good point. I don't think those that donate $5 should have the same kudos as those that donate $100.
A 3 tier system would be great, I am sure it could be done, just how hard it would be is the question :).
12-21-2001, 03:55 AM
Someone else is welcome to change the hack for that - I'm lucky I got it THIS far! LOL :D
12-22-2001, 11:32 AM
If I knew PHP any better I would attempt, I can install them find, but I can not write them for nothing. Still a great hack though Mark, thanks!
12-22-2001, 11:50 AM
I'm working on it right now and almost done. I should have it in postable condition soon
12-22-2001, 12:02 PM
Oh if someone could come up with some good icons for the different levels that would help cause I'll use this change on my site as well and some nice looking icons would definitely help :) I suck at graphics
12-22-2001, 12:09 PM
I will attempt some, could you give some examplesof what you need? Like money signs, stars, or something of the like. Let me know and I will try, I am not the best in the world but I would surely like to help out if I can.
BTW: Thanks for going at this hack, I am sure Van will be as glad to see it as I will.
12-22-2001, 12:32 PM
Stars would be cool. I'm doing mine as a 4 level system bronze, silver, gold and platinum, although the colors really don't matter we can always change them :) I'm also adding a default option for contributors for those that don't want to show what level they are. I'm almost done here :)
12-22-2001, 12:50 PM
I used the original vBulletin stars for this but I hope this will work. You will have to cut them up (I did not want to make 4 posts just for stars :)).
(they are transparent)
From what you are saying this is going to be a pretty nice hack! :)
12-22-2001, 06:16 PM
Ok the good news is I do have a fully operational donation system ready to roll.
The bad news is you gotta wait until possibly tomorrow morning for me to make instructions on how to install this. Cause I still don't know :p
12-22-2001, 10:11 PM
Send it away, I can find a way to install it :)
Really though, that is fine, I can wait. Gives me something to do tomorrow :).
12-22-2001, 10:45 PM
how do i uninstall the database mods that this hack installs? i want to uninstall it. the file and template mods are easy, but i don't know how to undo the db mods.
12-23-2001, 07:36 AM
I would guess just delete what it installed (remove the tables it installed, or sections of the tables, ect).
Of course, please do not quote me on that because I do not want you to delete something that may mess up your DB. I have deleted things of that nature before like that (in phpMyAdmin) and nothing happened, but something could go wrong.
12-23-2001, 08:13 AM
i've got phpmyadmin but i can't figure it out. :p
i figured out how to mark contributing members using just templates and custom user info fields so i'm gonna do that instead. ideally i want to remove the database mods though.
12-23-2001, 12:17 PM
Hi Mark,
Forgive me if someone has already mentioned this. Any chance that maybe there could be 3 levels of contributions? Possibly silver, bronze, and gold levels?
Very nice. You did a wonderful job on this.
Thanks Mark.
12-23-2001, 10:46 PM
Hooper, read the last few posts on the second page, I think you will find your answer there :).
12-24-2001, 02:02 AM
No problem. Didn't take to much to get what I needed. Works super thanks for the hack. :)
12-24-2001, 03:03 AM
nevermind... i got it uninstalled using this thingy i put together with some help (see my attachment)
i'm just doing what this hack does with templates now. i think it's better. just make a custom user info field that can only be changed in the admin cp. add post[fieldx] to your postbit with link tags around it. then edit profiles by putting "Contributor" into that field. it works the same. you can change the text for each user to whatever you want for making levels of contributors and stuff.
i'm working on a member listing using the custom fields that will only list members with a value in the donation field.
01-10-2002, 08:30 AM
2 thumbs up on this one!
Thanks MarkB
01-10-2002, 10:53 AM
Glad you like it :)
Good luck to everyone with their donations! I'm 2/3's of my way to a dedicated server for my site (aiming for 6 month's worth of fees to kick off;)).
01-28-2002, 10:59 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by MarkB
Quite simply, if you have a donation system on your forums, you may wish to have a way of having donating members stand out from the freeloaders ;)
02-02-2002, 05:46 PM
Anyone have a possible update for this one to move to 2.2.2?
I get just about everything in, however the functions.php has some major changes and I cannot get some of the code in because of if.
02-02-2002, 06:38 PM
I have it installed on 2.2.2 without any problems. I just followed the instructions.
02-02-2002, 07:12 PM
Then I'm missing something because from the install file there is a section I cannot find :(
02-02-2002, 07:18 PM
what section is it?
02-02-2002, 07:42 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by kc5uyw
Anyone have a possible update for this one to move to 2.2.2?
I get just about everything in, however the functions.php has some major changes and I cannot get some of the code in because of if.
02-03-2002, 07:05 AM
I'll take a look at it again.
02-06-2002, 11:49 AM
I get an error:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent....
when i add this line to my functions.php
if ($post[donator]!="" and $post[donator]!="0") {
eval("\$post[donation] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_donation")."\";");
} else {
I am clicking on the little white arrow that goes to the shortcut to the newest post. Its on the index page and in the topic area too. i am using vb 2.2.1
It seems to be working in the profile area of a member. Just not in the post bit area....well because I removed the above code from functions.php until someone can tell me what's going on.
UPDATE! Nevermind. After trying all last night and thinking about it all day....cuz I really like this hack. I tried one for time and it worked. All I can think....maybe the text editor I was using messed something up. I have no Idea!
02-08-2002, 04:34 AM
MarkB, can you take a quick look at my site? Check out the News forum and you'll be able to see my posts in there (user = Mike).
Right now the Contributor text shows up as a bar across the top of my post. How can I get it to show up underneath the username next to the location and with an icon?
02-08-2002, 04:45 AM
Your instructions are a little different as compared to my templates for 2.2.1. I had put the postbit entry after my </smallfont><br> statement!!
After a closer examination, I managed to make it work right!!
Your instructions:
## Find:
Posts: $post[posts]<br>
My template:
Posts: $post[posts]</smallfont></td>
I added your statement after that and it didn't look quite right.
So, here's my fix:
Posts: $post[posts]<br>
And it looks GREAT!! Thanks.
02-08-2002, 05:34 AM
Glad it works for you :)
02-08-2002, 05:43 AM
It's actually quite flexible. I've been moving the title around within my template and have come up with a pretty good looking label called "Supporting Member"....
Take a look. (
Great hack. Very easy and flexible. You do good work. :up:
02-26-2002, 10:32 PM
Great Work! Installed Perfectly! :)
03-08-2002, 09:44 PM
I normally just lurk and benefit from all of your expertise (shame on me!), but I had to post to say thanks to Mark for this hack. It's amazing what a little peer pressure in the form of a supporter icon can do!
I added this hack after I lost my main corporate sponsor due to budget cuts. I have 2000+ members, and about 15% have contributed in the two months since I used this hack to add a supporter icon. Considering that 2000+ includes an unusually large influx of new members in the past month due to defections from another forum, I'm pleased with that percentage, and I hope the newbies will like what they see enough to contribute, too.
I'm curious--how are all of you doing on your contributions? Has the supporter designation dramatically improved your contribution rate?
Anyway, I'm very thankful for this hack,
03-09-2002, 10:42 PM
installed, no problems. Thanks, nice hack. ;)
03-17-2002, 08:48 PM
@wnkremer -- my contributions since December have helped pay for a dedicated server, which in turn has made my users happier (speed, reliability), which in turn increases donations :) Having the icon there definitely gives people a little push - some just can't wait to have it after donating!
Hi MarkB
I love your Hack and have it running for about a month.
What I do miss is a listing that only I (admin panel) can see of all donators.
Could you create something for the AdminPanel?
03-20-2002, 09:00 PM
Sorry, that's beyond me at the moment -- this was only created as an easy way of marking someone as a contributor. I may try it later, but don't expect anything soon ;)
But, if anyone else wants a crack at it, feel free! :)
04-09-2002, 11:37 PM
Well Mark,
Pretty impressive hack... at least I like it. I finally got it installed and heavily modified, to allow for different types of contributors...
If anyone is interested in seeing what I did to make it work you're more than welcome to my added changes, but basically, it involves adding a few more fields in the table, some extra code and variables, and now I've got the functionality of specifying whether the user is a financial, technical, or hardware contributor (with icons to boot) :D
oh yeah, and here's a link to a sample if anyone is interested:
BTW, I don't frequent here very often, so the best thing to do is to e-mail me (or you can always post on my board!)
04-10-2002, 01:02 AM
Can't see your forum without registering, unfortunately (which I won't do - I've joined too many forums already!;)). Can you post a screengrab of your changes?
Cool Hack, Please post here, i was looking for something similar.!
04-10-2002, 05:39 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by MarkB
Can't see your forum without registering, unfortunately (which I won't do - I've joined too many forums already!;)). Can you post a screengrab of your changes?
04-10-2002, 05:40 PM
here's the admin CP for a user....
04-10-2002, 05:41 PM
I'm also adding more to this as we have some more ways to be a supporting member..... but it's pretty similar.
04-10-2002, 06:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by MarkB
Can't see your forum without registering, unfortunately (which I won't do - I've joined too many forums already!;)). Can you post a screengrab of your changes?
04-30-2002, 02:03 AM
Anyone have this working for 2.2.5?
04-30-2002, 03:42 AM
Answered my own question. Works great on 2.2.5 :)
05-14-2002, 08:05 PM
Great hack :)
Carnage Media
05-28-2002, 06:14 AM
it didnt' work on 2.2.5 for me?
** edit - yes it did, I didn't read the instructions thoroughly :)
06-05-2002, 07:06 AM
I dont understand....
the original hack just marks a little blubs called "contributor", but some of you have got it to display little icons above it, and pick and choose which ones...
how do i get the hack to show the little icons, one that works on 2.2.6?
06-06-2002, 10:52 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
nevermind... i got it uninstalled using this thingy i put together with some help (see my attachment)
i'm just doing what this hack does with templates now. i think it's better. just make a custom user info field that can only be changed in the admin cp. add post[fieldx] to your postbit with link tags around it. then edit profiles by putting "Contributor" into that field. it works the same. you can change the text for each user to whatever you want for making levels of contributors and stuff.
i'm working on a member listing using the custom fields that will only list members with a value in the donation field.
06-19-2002, 06:16 PM
Installed perfectly on 2.2.5
07-10-2002, 05:13 AM
Great Hack. We just closed a large majority of our boards for what we are calling "Premium Members" and I was having to add a little icon to each member's profile. This cuts that step out.
What would be cool is if this could be done and the person was added to a different user group all at the same time.
Hack well done.
07-12-2002, 06:00 PM
Nice hack - I think I will install this one!
Edit: Installed it on 2.2.6... works like a charm.
A few questions:
2.Let's say you have a bunch of donating members.... how do you all handle that - you get an email from the member and manually check it.. or do you have some other routine for this?
3. Let's say you want the "supporting member" in postbit to expire after a certain amount of time....(6 months donation).... how can I include that?
Thank you for a nice hack!!
Dean C
07-15-2002, 10:59 AM
i uploaded contribute.php to my admin directory and ran it, clicked install and i got disconnected... now im getting an error...
what would be the query i would run to drop the "donator" field from my user table??
Thanks in Advance
07-15-2002, 11:11 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mist
i uploaded contribute.php to my admin directory and ran it, clicked install and i got disconnected... now im getting an error...
what would be the query i would run to drop the "donator" field from my user table??
Thanks in Advance
Dean C
07-15-2002, 02:18 PM
thankyou! :D
07-17-2002, 02:57 PM
this works for 2.2.6?
07-17-2002, 03:28 PM
cool.. works perfectly in 2.2.6 .. can I add HTML in the donation templates?
07-17-2002, 07:31 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by thenetbox
cool.. works perfectly in 2.2.6 .. can I add HTML in the donation templates?
07-19-2002, 01:36 PM
oooh :) coolness
08-22-2002, 08:35 PM
I installed it and I get the "contributor" in my post box, but how do I put in an image next to it? I read someone said "edit the template" but how?
08-28-2002, 07:50 PM
Can anyone help me with a problem I am having regarding this hack? I've done has described but I cant make the actual text center on my postbit, believe me i tried, whats wrong?
Look Here:
Dean C
08-28-2002, 08:22 PM
set up a test account ^
08-28-2002, 08:24 PM
Fixed now anyways.
Dean C
08-29-2002, 09:55 AM
08-31-2002, 01:57 PM
I see no reason why it shouldn't, but I haven't upgraded yet, so have no idea :)
09-18-2002, 01:17 AM
I have 2.2.7 installed and I installed it and had no problems everything seems to work. :)
09-19-2002, 12:51 PM
With version 2.2.7 i found that there were differences in two of the lines to be replaced
they are in admin/user.php
it involves the nosessionhash field in the user table.
i have attached a text file that is updated from the original release on page 1 of this thread.
09-24-2002, 03:15 AM
Also just would like everyone to know in the query edits on the install guide it is missing the "$" sign infront of birthdays.. Stuffed up my birthdays for abit there.
10-01-2002, 08:39 PM
I am having a problem on 2.2.8
Does not work for some reason?
Any idea's?
I had no problem on any of the upgrqades all the way up to vB v2.2.7
10-01-2002, 09:01 PM
This hacks works with 2.2.8 - it should - it does nothing to affect the running of the rest of the code.
10-01-2002, 09:13 PM
well it doesn't work on my site now.
I just upgraded to the 2.2.8 and upgraded this hack on the certain files and nothing.
10-13-2002, 06:19 AM
I'm trying to run contributer.php on my forums (v2.28) and I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cpheader() in /home2/alkatraz/www/board/contribute.php on line 4
Anyone know what's up? Im going to try the modified instructions the other person posted
10-23-2002, 04:34 AM
darn..i just tried to install this on 2.2.8 and it doesnt' work. it does show up in the profile but not when i view the threads.
was there a solution to this?
The Piper
10-23-2002, 04:11 PM
I'm a bit confused if this works or not on 2.2.8. I wish someone would re-release this hack with the fixes that people came up with... :)
I have this installed on my 2.2.8 and it works without any bugs...
10-23-2002, 04:22 PM
This I want one of two of it please.. installing soon :) thnx
10-23-2002, 04:34 PM
hey Tha Rock,
you got it to work? man. i guess i'll go and try it again. also, someone mentioned it earlier..but in one of the changes, birthday is missing a $ in front of it. make sure you make that change.
thnks - testing it out again!
I think people with newer versions of vB and people who have hacks installed which use templates will find this hack will need some work to get installed. Some of the lines you search for are for the 2.2.2 standard vB files, the code has changed 6 versions down the line and those with hacks will have further modified their code. You have to search for maybe the first few words of a line and then insert changes directly into the code instead of an easy simple supercool copy and paste :)
Like it's said: For the good things in life you must work :)
The thing is, the work you have to do for this hack is minimal, it takes what, an extra 2 minutes to do the hack if you suffer from having a later version and/or have modified code already ;)
10-23-2002, 05:19 PM
for newbies like me,
what exact changes did you make? would you mind posting what was different?
There were mostly things that would apply to individual's code...
but for example, in admin/user.php, the these two steps will have been modified a few times already by other hacks and you might not find them straight off:
## FIND:
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO user (userid,usergroupid,username,password,email,stylei d,parentemail,coppauser,homepa ge,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,adminemail,showemail,in visible,usertitle,customtitle, joindate,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivi ty,lastpost,posts,timezoneoffs et,emailnotification,receivepm,emailonpm,ipaddress ,pmpopup,options,birthday) VALUES (NULL,'$usergroupid','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."','".addslashe s(md5($apassword))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email))."','$userstyleid', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail))."','$coppauser','".addslashes(html specialchars($homepage))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."','".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($aim))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."','".adds lashes($signature)."','$adminemail','$showemail','$invisible','".addslashes($use rtitle)."','$customtitle',$joindate,'$cookieuser','$dayspru ne',$lastvisit,$lasta ctivity,$lastpost,'$posts','$timezoneoffset','$ema ilnotification','$receivepm',' $emailonpm','".addslashes($aipaddress)."','$pmpopup','$options','birthday')");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO user (userid,usergroupid,username,password,email,stylei d,parentemail,coppauser,homepa ge,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,adminemail,showemail,in visible,usertitle,customtitle, joindate,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivi ty,lastpost,posts,timezoneoffs et,emailnotification,receivepm,emailonpm,ipaddress ,donator,pmpopup,options,birth day) VALUES (NULL,'$usergroupid','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."','".addslashe s(md5($apassword))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email))."','$userstyleid', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail))."','$coppauser','".addslashes(html specialchars($homepage))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."','".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($aim))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."','".adds lashes($signature)."','$adminemail','$showemail','$invisible','".addslashes($use rtitle)."','$customtitle',$joindate,'$cookieuser','$dayspru ne',$lastvisit,$lasta ctivity,$lastpost,'$posts','$timezoneoffset','$ema ilnotification','$receivepm',' $emailonpm','".addslashes($aipaddress)."','$donation','$pmpopup','$options','bir thday')");
## FIND: (around line 344)
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='$birthday',options='$options',usergroupi d='$usergroupid',username='".a ddslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."'$pwdinclude,email='".addslashes(htmlsp ecialchars($email))."',styleid='$userstyleid',parentemail='".addslashes(htmlspec ialchars($parentemail))."',coppauser=$coppauser,homepage='".addslashes(htmlspeci alchars($homepage))."',icq='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addsl ashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))." ',signature='".addslashes($signature)."',adminemail=$adminemail,showemail=$showe mail,invisible=$invisible,usertitle='".addslashes($usertitle)."',customtitle=$cu stomtitle,joindate=$joindate,cookieuser=$cookieuse r,nosessionhash=$nosessionhash ,daysprune='$daysprune',lastvisit=$lastvisit,lasta ctivity=$lastactivity,lastpost =$lastpost,posts='$posts',timezoneoffset='$timezon eoffset',emailnotification=$em ailnotification,receivepm='$receivepm',emailonpm=' $emailonpm',ipaddress='".addsl ashes($aipaddress)."',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND $pmpopup=1,pmpopup,'$pmpopup') WHERE userid=$userid");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='$birthday',options='$options',usergroupi d='$usergroupid',username='".a ddslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."'$pwdinclude,email='".addslashes(htmlsp ecialchars($email))."',styleid='$userstyleid',parentemail='".addslashes(htmlspec ialchars($parentemail))."',coppauser=$coppauser,homepage='".addslashes(htmlspeci alchars($homepage))."',icq='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addsl ashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))." ',signature='".addslashes($signature)."',adminemail=$adminemail,showemail=$showe mail,invisible=$invisible,usertitle='".addslashes($usertitle)."',customtitle=$cu stomtitle,joindate=$joindate,cookieuser=$cookieuse r,nosessionhash=$nosessionhash ,daysprune='$daysprune',lastvisit=$lastvisit,lasta ctivity=$lastactivity,lastpost =$lastpost,posts='$posts',timezoneoffset='$timezon eoffset',emailnotification=$em ailnotification,receivepm='$receivepm',emailonpm=' $emailonpm',ipaddress='".addsl ashes($aipaddress)."',donator='$donation',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND $pmpopup=1,pmpopup,'$pmpopup') WHERE userid=$userid");
10-23-2002, 05:52 PM
weird. i made the following changes and still no luck. i guess i'll start from scratch again. this is the first hack for the board so it's not like it's conflicting with other hacks.
i do get the 'contributor' to show up in the profile but just not in the threads. hmm.
Did you edit your postbit template...
10-23-2002, 06:41 PM
yup. this is how my postbit template looks like...
Posts: $post[posts]<br>
10-24-2002, 01:20 AM
Thanks "The ROCK"
it works now!
10-24-2002, 02:04 AM
hey bowhunt! u got it to work? man..i must have bad luck or something. what version are you running?
10-24-2002, 02:15 AM
version 2.2.8
Go ahead and redo everything then run the contribute.php which should be located in your Admin folder
I redid everything then re-ran the contribute.php file.
It worked for me, finally. I had it working in all the versions except this last one, but now it works.
10-24-2002, 04:45 AM
doing it again did the trick for me. i think probably cause i forgot to upload a file. *smack myself in the head*. thanks for the help!
if i want to give my members custom titles, can i just sorta 'hack' this hack or is there a hack out there already that does that? i can't seem to find it.
thanks again!
12-27-2002, 07:25 PM
Works great on 2.2.9! But I have one "stupid" question:
If I wanna show a picture instead of the text how will that template look like...? I am pretty new to this you see....
*Clicks install*
01-21-2003, 07:02 AM
Is there a way to search through the CP for who your contributing members are?
01-21-2003, 08:55 PM
[QUOTE]If I wanna show a picture instead of the text how will that template look like...?
01-24-2003, 05:11 PM
I just installed this hack ... Mark, great job. Easy as hell ... even for a newb like me !!!
Here's my question for anyone that can help ... I have the "Contributor" setup right under the user title. How do I remove it from the post header (think that's what it's called) ... any help would be appreciated.
01-24-2003, 05:16 PM
Can you post a link to an example of your problem?
Glad you like the hack :)
01-24-2003, 05:24 PM
Sorry ... can't figure out the right terminology. The image below shows where it's appearing above the user info.
I changed it to read "Paid Member" .... I just wanted to remove it from the "post header"
01-24-2003, 05:26 PM
Check your postbit template to see if the variable's been doubled up anywhere :)
01-24-2003, 05:33 PM
Fixed. Age is affecting eyesight !!!Mark thanks again for the great hack. If theres anywhere I can donate ... I'd like too ... the hacks and help I've found here are worth it.
Thanks again.
01-24-2003, 05:37 PM
Glad you got it sorted!! :)
Hey MarkB, thanks for this EXCELLENT HACK!
but 1 thing... what If I wanted to set up a forum for Contributing Members only.. how would I go along doing this with your hack?
thanks again
03-06-2003, 08:07 PM
Can you merge this with the Styles for Premium members? and Also, is it possible to add it to a usergroup?
If usergroup=7 then display this template and blah blah? Is it possible?
05-27-2003, 08:16 AM
works a treat here on 2.3.0 :)
05-29-2003, 05:30 PM
I've installed the hack and works just fine on 2.3.0 though a few things I'd like to know is:
1. Is there a way to see who had donated? Like in the Admin CP so that you could goto Users -> Find -> Supporters or something like that?
2. Is there a way to make it so that only contributing members can view certain forums?
If these two things already exist I'd love to get a link to them as it would be a HUGE help for me.
05-29-2003, 05:32 PM
I've installed the hack and works just fine on 2.3.0 though a few things I'd like to know is:
1. Is there a way to see who had donated? Like in the Admin CP so that you could goto Users -> Find -> Supporters or something like that?
2. Is there a way to make it so that only contributing members can view certain forums?
If these two things already exist I'd love to get a link to them as it would be a HUGE help for me.
07-02-2003, 09:12 PM
Hey folks,
I've not installed this hack yet, but am willing to. We signify our subscribers by giving them a Silver ring using the Awards Hack by Lesane.
What I'm attempting to do now is give all of our staff a special little icon and I think this hack would work perfectly. The thing is that I would like to have the image be clickable so that I could link it to the "Forum Leaders" page, and then would not need to have text, but just a small non-intimidating image that could help newbies and such tell when they're dealing with one of my staff versus a regular member.
The easiest way would be for staff NOT to use custom titles, but this would be wayyy slicker!
Can this be done? Or am I stuck with just a static image? And is there any known conflicts between this and the awards hack?
07-08-2003, 09:41 PM
I ran the contribute.php file the first time, and it says everything was succesful. But it didnt add any customs templates : getinfo_donation & postbit_donation
Can someone post here or send them to me? I dont understand why it didnt create them :(
07-09-2003, 06:18 AM
Can someone send me the content of the two templates please? :ermm:
07-09-2003, 09:08 PM
anyone? :tired:
Frozen Dreams
07-21-2003, 11:10 AM
[QUOTE]07-10-03 at 12:08 AM pdatoon said this in Post #143 (
anyone? :tired:
07-21-2003, 10:48 PM
Okay...I've started out to install this hack as I am using Lesane's award hack for my contributors and with this I can put a nifty little image under the postbit to identify my staff.
Now, the only thing I'm hesistant about is that I want to change the code for the user panel to say "Is user staff?" instead of "Has user made a donation"
The current code reads ## AFTER, ADD THIS:
makeinputcode("Is $user[username] staff?","donation",$user[donator]);
Forgive my rookiness with this stuff......I figure changing the actuall sentance is easy enough. makeinputcode("Is $user[username] staff?","donation",$user[donator]);
but what about this part......"donation",$user[donator])
Would that then be ."staff",$user[staff])?
If you can direct me here...I think I'll be able to get this up and running in no time!! Oh...also.....I've allready got my spiffy little staff image placed into the postbit_donation template....but what am I supposed to do with the getinfo_donation template? anything?
07-22-2003, 06:31 AM
Well...I guess you can just ignore everything that I posted earlier!! :ermm: :surprised: :lick:
Great hack mate!! Did exactly what I wanted it to do!!
I've now assigned the site logo (smaller version) to all my staff as we do not use 'Moderator, Admin, etc.) for titles and use a Silver ring to identify our site supporters.
* Illuvatar clicks install and is very happy!!
Here ( is an example of what I did with this hack.
I only had to hack the hack a little bit to modify how the question in the admin panel displays, and even assigned an 'alt' tag to the image. hehe
Tomorrow I'm gonna link it to the Forum Leaders page and be done with it! Thanks again!
In Fellowship,
07-22-2003, 08:02 PM
is there a way to not only show who contributed but display what they contributed? Whether it was money, equipment, service, etc?? Have an option to show this in the ACP, in the user profile and/or in the Postbit??
07-22-2003, 08:14 PM
pdatoon, the two templates are rather simple.
The "getinfo_donation" template contains 1 line that says "- Contributor".
The "postbit_donation" template contains 1 line that says "Contributor".
That's it.
07-22-2003, 08:29 PM I wanted to customise mine just a getinfo template has this - Staff
and my postbit one has <img src="/forums/vbulletin225/upload/images/sitestafflogo.jpg" width="21" height="22" alt="WotR Staff">
But as was said way earlier in the thread, you can put whatever you need to display into these templates.....the first one is what shows up in your users profile, and the second is actually what displays under the users post count.
07-23-2003, 08:11 PM
Thanks so much for this hack!!!
Now, how could I setup a private forum for contributors? (without a usergroup) would I have to manually edit their access masks?
07-23-2003, 08:16 PM
Is there a way to make it only show up if they have it (like the age hack)?
07-28-2003, 04:05 PM
Since I'm using this hack to indicate my staff members, it's been brought to my attention that it would be very usefull to have the image show up when they send a private message as well.
I added the $postbit[donation] bit into the privmsg template, but that was not enough.
Can anybody tell me what else needs to be applied and where in order to make this work for private messages?
07-29-2003, 03:23 PM
I had a problem yesterday and had to revert back to some things, now my templates for this hack have gone missing.
All the changes that were made to the admin/functions, user.php and member.php are still there.
So would someone tell me how to just get the templates installed again?
I didn't really want to uninstall the whole hack because I have quite a few people who have donated and this info would be wiped wouldn't it?
Edited to add: I found what I needed in this thread.
08-15-2003, 08:45 PM
This is a great made my donation system a breeze and has users donating more since they get a little something (a supporting member image) to show they made a donation.
Thanks for the great hack!!!!!
it's possible to have this great hack for vb3?
I use it with my board 2.3.0 and it's perfect but now i want install it on a vb 3 board
Cal Poly Forum
08-26-2003, 08:13 AM
Anyone tried out on version 2.3.2 yet?
I wish 2.3.2 and 2.3.0 is exactly the same but there are few changes on the coding.
09-16-2003, 10:50 AM
[QUOTE=Asso]it's possible to have this great hack for vb3?
I use it with my board 2.3.0 and it's perfect but now i want install it on a vb 3 board
10-28-2003, 01:25 AM
[QUOTE=Cal Poly Forum]Anyone tried out on version 2.3.2 yet?
I wish 2.3.2 and 2.3.0 is exactly the same but there are few changes on the coding.
10-28-2003, 05:04 AM
@Gser - it can be done on vB3 using usergroups and templates.
10-28-2003, 06:41 AM
[QUOTE=MarkB]@Gser - it can be done on vB3 using usergroups and templates.
10-28-2003, 07:11 AM
This is what I'm using:
- create a new usergroup
- note the usergroup number
- For each user, set this group as a subgroup (alas, for now it can be the only subgroup, but I believe the vB team will be adding some conditional template options to allow for more than one... anyway, for now leave it as the only subgroup for this to work)
- Place the following where you want their 'contributing member' badge/label/whatever to show up:
(I have mine in postbit_userinfo)
<if condition="$post['membergroupids'] == 20">
<br />
<a href="/forum/subscriptions.php"><img src="images/premium_member.gif" border="0" alt="Become a Premium Member!"></a>
<else /> </if>
'20' is the premium/contributing member ID, natch.
You'll substitute the above for your own HTML, of course :)
11-22-2003, 01:08 PM
Never heard of a subgroup ever, still fine.
02-12-2004, 06:36 PM
Ok so I added this hack and everything seems to of went fine but I dont like where the text is located.It placed the text above the member name where the post date goes. Can someone explain how to move the text under the avator? Also I want to add a small image like a trophy just under or above the text, how do I do that? I am not a coder so please be specific.
02-16-2004, 12:45 PM
Can someone help me with this?
02-16-2004, 12:51 PM
Simply edit the HTML in the postbit template to change placement, or icon, or whatever.
03-08-2004, 12:41 AM
what you need to do so you can add different contributes?
Godzilla MR2
03-23-2004, 10:24 PM
I am really interested in knowing how to pull the list of users who have contributed from the database and list them on a separate page in the admin section. I would just need the user name.
Any idea how this can be done?
Bill Strong
03-24-2004, 10:30 AM
[QUOTE]I am really interested in knowing how to pull the list of users who have contributed from the database and list them on a separate page in the admin section. I would just need the user name.
04-10-2004, 07:25 PM
hmm, maybe something like this but mark a user as a contributor if they have 5+ referrals ;)
04-10-2004, 11:59 PM
Will this hack work in VB 3.0 Gold????
I use the Ranks to award our subscribers with a pretty silver ring, but I used this previously to put an image under my staff's post bits. Sure would like to use it again. :p
04-11-2004, 12:23 PM
Yep it does. I thought there was a newer release of it though. (just noticed the thread I was in)
04-12-2004, 04:42 PM
can you give me the link to the newer hack.
05-10-2004, 07:45 PM
will it work with 3.0.1?
01-07-2005, 05:16 AM
Has anyone tested this w/3.0x? I am definitely looking for one, the version w/bronze, silver, gold, platinum Contributor awards, but need it for 3.04.
Anyone knows if there is a difference? I dont want to do database quarries until I know it should work.
01-07-2005, 12:59 PM
You can do this via member groups now there's no need for this hack. Create an additional usergroup and give that group an image in the boxes provided for your code. Upload an image and add this new group to a user. The image will show up by the avatar.
Someone contributes, add the group to them. (so now they are in two groups. normal member whatever and contributor group)
VB provides great new tools, understanding what you can do with them takes some time to see though.
IMO of course. ;)
01-07-2005, 08:10 PM
thanks, you are right that is easy
01-08-2005, 12:19 AM
You can also use the existing Rank structure that is in VB as well. This provides an additional indicator for your subscribers/contributors and allows the avatars to stand alone.
We currently have both a Gold and a Silver level that we offer and this has worked out great as we also grant our subscribers custom titles and avatars.
It's really easy to do as well! You can just use an existing usergroup like registered to create a new one like ummm Silver Subscriber. Then you create a rank, upload a special image for that rank (for us it's silver and gold rings), and attach that rank to your new custom usergroup and you're done!
Oh oh oh...if you are using the built in paid subscription program for your contributors, you can even set it up to automatically place folks into your custom usergroups when they sign up! Very slick! :D
If you'd like to see ours in action just go here (
We have even created ranks that have multiple images so that we can have someone who has been nominated for our Member of the Month award and is also a subscriber. I'd highly recommend using the rank system as there is so much you can do with the custom user groups like special forum accesses, etc.
Have fun!:p
01-08-2005, 01:44 AM
That is what I am doing. I created the group (4 of them, bronze, silver, gold plat) and made the images. Now I made it as a secondary group for a user and chose it as the Display group so that the rank image shows up.
here is my problem: Let's say the user is also a Moderator, and I have previously chosen to show his name in "bold" and "green" and it showed that way fine, after I added him to the Platnum contributors, and made that the Display one, the name changed to regular style, not bold and green. I could make the Plat. Contriubutor a custom color, but then I would lose the functionality of haveing MODs different color, so that people could see them as such.
Here is the post so that you can see, users paradise (me) and Jay luto (both admins) were supposed to be bold and orange but now show regular:
Thread with Contributor Rank Images (
06-04-2005, 06:14 AM
I'm sorry for bringing up this old thread, but i get this error in user.php when this is all done.
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.7:
Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate
avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar
FROM user
LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
WHERE user.userid=1
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascus
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Saturday 04th of June 2005 03:11:21 AM
Referer: c22f998625d%26action%3Dedit%26userid%3D1
Destroyed Soul
07-14-2005, 02:46 PM
Did you run the install file? I got that first too.... Also, Mine doesnt show up... AT ALL.... why?
EDIT- I fixed it sorry
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