View Full Version : Need help with mod

12-13-2001, 03:17 AM

Disclamer: Ok, I'm a newbie, so if I make a fool of myself, please forgive me. We all have to start somewhere right?

I would apreciate if somebody could help me mod vB. It shouldn't be to hard. Some of the things that are needed:

- Need to reorganize the places where files are (like have the registration pages at http://www.domain.com/registration/, and the user cp at http://www.domain.com/cp/, while keeping the actual forum at http://www.domain.com/forum/)

- Modify signup process, not just adding fields, but also so that Birthday is required, and some other stuff. Also, is it possible to add fields so that they are required, cannot be viewed by other users, and cannot be updated by the registered user?

- There are a few other things (well, more then a few), but I'll just start with that. Actually, is there some kind of outline of the vB code somewhere? or do I have to just look through it and try to figure out how it works myself... That might take some time.


12-14-2001, 10:50 AM
just make redirects on ur server domain.com/registration -> register.php etc :)
hope this way helps :stupid: