View Full Version : jPilot (IRC chat) Integration
12-09-2001, 10:00 PM
JPILOT / vBULLETIN INTEGRATION by jake (first hack! wOOtie!
-for jpilot 2.5.1 and vbulletin 2.2.6
to see this in action visit my site at (there is a link in the nav column called IRC Chat)
please see for info on the jpilot chat applet.
-upload all the jpilot files to your vb root. see jpilot site for download and instructions.
-upload both scripts in the scripts folder to your vb root.
-create the new templates in your vb admin cp. see templates folder... templates to be named the same as each file, etc.
-configure the jpilot params in the chatmain template. see the jpilot site for a list of all params and their functions.
-put this link in your header template or where ever you want the IRC chat link to be: <a href="chat.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" onClick="'chat.php?s=$session[sessionhash]','key','WIDTH=600,HEIGHT=450,scrollbars=no,left=5 0,top=50,screenX=50,screenY=50');return false">IRC Chat</a>
-that's it!
how it works:
-link to the chat.php file first... this pulls the "chat" template which is an intro type of thing with info about the chat. put whatever "intro" type stuff you want in the "chat" template. the chat.php script does not check for registration.
-in the "chat" template that the chat.php pulls there is a link to the chatmain.php file which checks for registration. if the user isn't registered or not logged in they are directed to the "chatnoreg" template which gives them a note saying they aren't logged in, etc. you can customize the chatnoreg template to say whatever you want. if they *are* logged in then they are directed to the chatmain template which has the applet and the params which loads the chat.
-my jpilot params are set up so the user isn't even given a chat config screen. their name is auto filled in and they are auto logged into chat. i also have a param that disables the /nick command. only registered members can chat and they can't change their name in chat to impersonate people. if you want this set up differently it's all in the params (see the jpilot site for info).
*cream pie*
12-10-2001, 03:08 AM
this looks good... do you have a rough idea of how much server strain or memory this would use, though? I've heard nothing but bad things about java applets and chats
12-10-2001, 03:13 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Justice
this looks good... do you have a rough idea of how much server strain or memory this would use, though? I've heard nothing but bad things about java applets and chats
12-10-2001, 03:15 AM
only if the chat server is on your server..
the chat applet is executed client-side
and the server is somewhere else!
12-10-2001, 03:23 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by derfelix
only if the chat server is on your server..
the chat applet is executed client-side
and the server is somewhere else!
12-10-2001, 03:51 AM
in that case.. java or not.. vbulletin integration or not...
your serverload will be the same as before..
or am i wrong?
12-10-2001, 06:06 AM
How is this different from the original jPilot integration hack, posted here (, coupled with my modification to it, posted here ( Aside from the fact that yours goes in a popup window.
12-10-2001, 04:08 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
How is this different from the original jPilot integration hack, posted here (, coupled with my modification to it, posted here ( Aside from the fact that yours goes in a popup window.
12-10-2001, 04:29 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
How is this different from the original jPilot integration hack, posted here (, coupled with my modification to it, posted here ( Aside from the fact that yours goes in a popup window.
12-10-2001, 08:40 PM
It's true that anyone can come into the channel through a different client, like mIRC. There are probably ways to prevent that with invite-only modes or passwords, but I haven't really looked into that.
If you would like to see a demo on my board, you can login using username="Test User", password="testuser".
12-10-2001, 09:08 PM
Thanks JJR512,
Is it possible for you to figure out how I can prevent other visitors to come to the channel trough MIRC or some other IRC client?
I ONLY want registered users to have access to the chat. ONLY them.
This is VITAL for me and our visitors, 'cause we run a website for people who suffer from a hair disease and privacy is a VERY important thing to us.
I'll hope someone can help, because we need an integrated chat very badly.
Thank U,
Ohh....and thanks very much for your test-user! I just saw your chat...great! There's another one at:
12-10-2001, 09:50 PM
i'm not sure how you could limit IRC chat to the jpilot applet only. :confused: if anyone else can tell me how then i'll add it to my zip file.
12-10-2001, 10:15 PM
You should probably set the channel to be secret, meaing it will not show up in a channel listing:
/mode #YourChannelName +s
Now for the real trick: You can password-protect your channel, so that a user must use that password when joining the channel.
/mode #YourChannelName +k YourChannelPassword
(Note: You can reverse any of these settings later by changing the + to -.)
This sets a password for your channel. Now, to make the hack work with a password-protected channel, you need to add a parameter to the template. Somewhere in the "param" list, add this:
<param name="DisplayConfigChannelPass" value="true">
Also, make sure that you have this line in there, too:
<param name="DirectStart" value="false">
This will make sure the config screen, which asks for the password, is shown. Note that you have not seen this screen on my site, because I have it bypassed.
Look here for a complete list of the various parameters you can set through the template: By setting various parameters, you can show the config screen, but block it from showing the channel or server info, which will help keep that info secret, making it harder for people to break in.
You just need to tell the people who need to know it what the password is. Note that they can still join through mIRC or other separate programs, by using this command:
/join #YourChannelName YourChannelPass
Note: I have not tried all of this stuff myself. It's all from what I've read here: and here: I think this is about as secure as you can make IRC, from what I can tell.
12-11-2001, 12:13 AM
wow... seems like too much trouble ;p. plus it isn't full proof. plus you would have to disable directconnect which is a really cool feature; i think it's better to have as few steps as is possible for the end user to start chating.
i wonder if ircd can be setup to check for the client software and disallow all but jpilot? that would be ideal. i wouldn't mind implementing something like that! :)
12-15-2001, 01:24 AM
If you're running the IRCD you could possibly password protect the server, or kline everything except the relative hostmask of the jirc applet.
just a few ideas.
12-16-2001, 09:44 AM
[QuOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
Note that they can still join through mIRC or other separate programs, by using this command:
/join #YourChannelName YourChannelPass
12-16-2001, 11:42 PM
i'm gonna update my chat scripts soon to exclude the "awaiting e-mail confirmation" group and the "awaiting moderation" group as well as my own personal "Bad Peeps" group that i put bad people into :D . it's a simple condition. i'm gonna add a couple more templates for those conditions too. for example, if you are in the "awaiting e-mail confirmation" group and try to log into chat it will say, "Sorry, you have not completed the registration process. You need to verify your e-mail address by clicking the link in the e-mail you were sent." little stuff like that.
the current scripts only check if you have a username. well, the above two mentioned groups are going to have user names so they are allowed to chat when they probably shouldn't be allowed to. i'm gonna patch up those holes.. complete with error pages for each condition.
12-17-2001, 05:39 PM
Does this hack have a "who's in the chat now" feature?
thanks! :)
12-17-2001, 06:50 PM
If you install a hack from FireFly located here (, you can quickly and easily add new Who's Online locations to your board. Basically, after installing the hack, you use it to tell the board about a new non-vBulletin page that you've added into the vBulletin system, and you tell it what to show as a description for that page in the Who's Online. With either this hack by Jakeman or the similar one by myself that I linked to in an earlier post above, the chat room is on a separate page, to FireFly's hack is perfect.
The only limitation is this doesn't actually check to see if a member really is in the chat room; it only knows that the member tried to visit that page. If the member was unsuccessful (due to permissions or whatever), he/she will still look to Who's Online as if he did get into the chat room...just as if a member tries to edit another member's post, Who's Online would show that the member is editing that post, even though the member is really seeing the no permission page. Also, if the member is browsing the board in multiple browser windows, then as soon as he goes to another location in another window, he/she will be shown as being in that location, even if he/she is still in the chat room in the first browser.
There has been mention in the past about setting up bots to stay in the chat room that would somehow be able to keep vBulletin actively and accurately notified about who is in the chat room, but all that is beyond me at this time. But if you really want to read up on that, follow the link to my hack in my first post above, and in that thread, look here (, or search this board or the one at for "chat" or "chat AND integration".
12-17-2001, 07:20 PM
i've found that the default online.php has a condition for the file "chat.php". it parses this to say "Entered Chat" in the whois online. with my setup the chat.php is only an intro page though. so it will only say "Entered Chat" when on the chat intro page. the actual chat page shows as an unknown location.
cool hack by firefly! i didnt' know about that one.
Sadie Frost
12-23-2001, 05:30 AM
I did a combo of this hack and JJR512's - works great! I like having the ability to change rooms if I want to :)
12-24-2001, 10:34 PM
okay I got the IRC Chat installed on my forum, now im having problems linking it to a particular forum, hmmm lets say I want in the graphics section of my site, can anyone help me out with this
these are the errors I get when I click on the link
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 60
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 88
12-25-2001, 12:07 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
i've found that the default online.php has a condition for the file "chat.php". it parses this to say "Entered Chat" in the whois online. with my setup the chat.php is only an intro page though. so it will only say "Entered Chat" when on the chat intro page. the actual chat page shows as an unknown location.
cool hack by firefly! i didnt' know about that one.
12-25-2001, 12:11 AM
hey what about my problem :(
12-25-2001, 12:23 AM
i have no idea what is causing your problem. i'm not that cool. :p :(
12-25-2001, 12:26 AM
well okay when I do this step right here
-put this link in your header template or where ever you want the IRC chat link to be: <a href="chat.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" onClick="'chat.php?s=$session[sessionhash]','key','WIDTH=600,HEIGHT=450,scrollbars=no,left=5 0,top=50,screenX=50,screenY=50');return false">IRC Chat</a>
where exactly do I put this, im like vb newbies, so when it comes to these type of hack, I still have a bottle in my hand :D
12-25-2001, 01:18 AM
that's just html. all that code will translate into the text, "Chat" where ever you put it and it will be linked to the chat window. look at the other code in your header and you will get the idea. you can just put it up with the other vbulletin buttons on the top.
12-25-2001, 01:21 AM
okay this is the error im getting now
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 60
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 88
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php: 60) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\admin\funct ions.php on line 1490
12-25-2001, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by dirgotronix
If you're running the IRCD you could possibly password protect the server, or kline everything except the relative hostmask of the jirc applet.
just a few ideas.
12-27-2001, 09:52 AM
Hi Martz,
Thank you for your suggestions. I'm very interested in the MySQl IRC services that you mention. I've started a poll on
and on
because I'm just dying for a chat add-on. It just would be the MAIN KEY-feature of our website, next to -ofcourse- our VBulletin board.
So far, the votes are: (27 dec. 2001 11:30 AM)
10 Yes, an integrated CHAT function!
03 Yes, an integrated INSTANT MESSASING function!
07 Yes, both please!
14 No
Total: 34 votes ; 20 positive, 14 negative.
03 Yes, an integrated CHAT function!
00 Yes, an integrated INSTANT MESSASING function!
10 Yes, both please!
03 No
Total: 16 votes ; 13 positive, 03 negative.
(Endtotal: 50 votes: 33 positive and 17 negative.)
I'll keep hoping Jelsoft will take notice of the benefits of a chat-add-on and I'll hope they will take it into consideration for a future release.
12-27-2001, 12:21 PM
okay this is the error im getting now
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 60
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php on line 88
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\global.php: 60) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hybridforums\forums\admin\funct ions.php on line 1490
does anyone no what causing my errors ??
12-27-2001, 05:24 PM
are you putting the chat.php and chatmain.php in the forum root? i just don't see how you could be getting these errors... the hack is pretty much straight forward and nonintrusive.
12-27-2001, 05:57 PM
yes im putting them in the forum root
http://host/forum < ---- thats the root of the vb forum this other is vbportals
12-27-2001, 10:52 PM
ah. vbportal is probably the problem... not necessarily the problem, but i didn't write this jpilot hack to work with vbportal. i would think it would still work under vbportal but i guess not. that would have to be the problem i would think. you might try posting on the forums asking how to make this hack work under vbportal. you can link back to this thread or you can go ahead and attach this hack to your post over there... i give you permission. :p
12-27-2001, 11:00 PM
thankyou man, I hope that works , yeah since I put vbportals on, I have had to rewrite some of my ownhacks,
01-05-2002, 05:50 PM
Hey, my smilies are not showing up. Anyone got suggestions.
01-06-2002, 07:51 PM
im having a slight problem with this hack, everything works fine for me, however several of my members report that they are unable to access the chat, it gives them the error that they arent logged in and when they go back to the main page they are logged out of vbulletin.
the chat is here
and a thread about the error is here
the main site is here
01-06-2002, 08:10 PM
does anyone know how to make it to where only forum members can join the room, i noticed that if I use the mirc program, then I can get access into my chat room, with our using the forum,
anybody got any tips on this one
01-07-2002, 06:34 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by compgeek83
im having a slight problem with this hack, everything works fine for me, however several of my members report that they are unable to access the chat, it gives them the error that they arent logged in and when they go back to the main page they are logged out of vbulletin.
the chat is here
and a thread about the error is here
the main site is here
01-07-2002, 06:37 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by hypedave
does anyone know how to make it to where only forum members can join the room, i noticed that if I use the mirc program, then I can get access into my chat room, with our using the forum,
anybody got any tips on this one
01-07-2002, 06:38 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by christec
Hey, my smilies are not showing up. Anyone got suggestions.
01-19-2002, 01:42 PM
Great hack.. No problem even for a newbie :up:
01-19-2002, 03:16 PM
great work, my chats pretty hoppin now, really helped me, us admins kept saying "talking between urselves is what IRC and AIM is for" and now they just go to IRC, great hack! all my members are happy, im out ;)
Hack Gets:
:up: :up:
01-19-2002, 05:49 PM
I got a quick question...
It asks for my server IP, I put it in but then when I go to chat it tries to log into FTP and says "Username and Password Required"
here, take a look at my code if anyone can help:
<param name="CABBASE" value="">
<param name="ServerPort" value="21">
<param name="ServerName1" value="">
<param name="Channel1" value="">
<param name="AllowURL" value="true">
<param name="AllowIdentd" value="true">
<param name="WelcomeMessage" value="Welcome to the Web-Boards Chat Room!">
<param name="RealName" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
<param name="NickName" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
<param name="UserName" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
<param name="isLimitedServers" value="true">
<param name="isLimitedChannels" value="true">
<param name="MessageCol" value="80">
<param name="BackgroundColor" value="99,132,181">
<param name="TextColor" value="white">
<param name="TextScreenColor" value="black">
<param name="ListTextColor" value="black">
<param name="TextFontName" value="Arial">
<param name="TextFontSize" value="12">
<param name="ConfigNickOnly" value="true">
<param name="NickNChannelOnly" value="true">
<param name="LogoBgColor" value="white">
<param name="BorderVsp" value="3">
<param name="DirectStart" value="true">
<param name="FGColor" value="black">
<param name="TitleBackgroundColor" value="black">
<param name="TitleForegroundColor" value="white">
<param name="InputTextColor" value="white">
<param name="InputScreenColor" value="black">
<param name="IgnoreLevel" value="3">
<param name="DisplayConfigRealName" value="false">
<param name="DisplayConfigServer" value="false">
<param name="DisplayConfigPort" value="false">
<param name="DisplayConfigMisc" value="false">
<param name="InitCommands" value="/clear;/me enters">
<param name="UserListWidth" value="160">
<param name="RefreshColorCode" value="false">
<param name="DisplaySoundControl" value="false">
<param name="NoConfig" value="true">
<param name="DisplayAbout" value="false">
<param name="AliasList" value="/nick=/echo Nick command disabled">
<param name="IgnoreServerMsg" value="true">
<param name="IgnoreModeMsg" value="true">
<param name="IgnoreMOTD" value="true">
<param name="IgnoreChannelChangeMsg" value="true">
<param name="LicenseKey" value="INSERT YOUR JPILOT LICENSE KEY HERE!">
01-19-2002, 06:23 PM
^ B U M P ^
01-19-2002, 09:21 PM
01-20-2002, 01:04 AM
sorry i didn't see your reply before...
it is trying to connect to ftp because you are using port 21 which is reserved for ftp. your IRC cannot be on port 21.
01-20-2002, 03:01 AM
hehe, what port then?
01-20-2002, 06:44 AM
well. mine uses 6668 i think. it's an IRC config i think. not sure.
01-20-2002, 11:11 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
in my experience the smilies in jpilot are bugged. sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. regardless... you should probably post on the support forums at the jpilot site regarding this since it's a jpilot config issue.
01-21-2002, 09:22 PM
Just FYI.....
There is actually a MUCH easier way to integrate the IRC into the using a wonderful little Jirc add-on called WTK. You can find it at
I use the "open chat in new window" box on my forums, with a slight modification, i was able to auto fill in everything so that all they have to do is enter their nick and hit enter. It is clean, attractive, and works well with little complications..just follow the install stuff, and then add the relevant HTML/PHP code into your templates (I put mine in the header so that the chat box appears on every page).
It also have a lot of tools with it, such as buttons and such to automatically interact with Nickserv/chanserv or even act as a channel op.
It may not be perfect for those on a shared server (i am not honestly sure what complications that causes), but for myself and others who are colo or dedicated server people, it gives you an outstanding interface, and there are also many different image sets to choose from.
Just thought I would mention that :)
Now...if i could just get that "Chatting Now" thing working with the rest of my setup, I would truly be a happy camper :)
01-22-2002, 12:41 AM
that isn't vB integrated then. this hack denies people who aren't logged in, and autofills the user name if they are logged in. otherwise it might as well be stand-alone.
01-22-2002, 12:54 AM
I understand that. I also understand that the same thing can be accomplished by using the WTK software, since it is already written in PHP, simply by adding an include, and calling for the username & login routine.
Since it is a Chat Front End already written in php, it is simply much easier to integrate...and with the same results.
01-22-2002, 03:12 AM
nya! :p
Ninth Dimension
01-23-2002, 08:45 PM
This is a cool hack, i've just installed it, and now i'm looking for an IRC server, can anyone suggest one?
01-31-2002, 07:24 PM
Download mIRC and look at all the servers available or start your own :-)
I have this weirdo error with version 2.2.2 of vBB
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 60
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 88
Would that be my php.ini file settings??
Ninth Dimension
01-31-2002, 10:12 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, i'm using at the moment, but i'll try that one too :)
02-01-2002, 01:06 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by smleg
Download mIRC and look at all the servers available or start your own :-)
I have this weirdo error with version 2.2.2 of vBB
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 60
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in D:\wwwroot\ramprage\forums\global.php on line 88
Would that be my php.ini file settings??
02-01-2002, 10:05 AM
I'm running the irc chat integration on my site and I'm running 2.2.2... I didn't have to change anything in the chat when I upgraded.. My site ( .. Heres a link. You are welcome to look if you like..:)
02-01-2002, 12:47 PM
Well this is very strange folks...
On my private server, the one where I previously posted the error, it still doesn't work. I think it's because my PHP/MySQL isn't setup properly on my Win 2k machine.
To convince myself I setup the forum and chat onto my real webhost and everything went perfect! (Win 2k hosting....)
So the question remains, what is in my php/mysql that isn't setup properly to cause this error?
Thanks and great hack!
02-01-2002, 06:49 PM
ok then. photogenie says this works on 2.2.2 .
smleg... i'm honestly have no idea what is causing your problem. the php in this hack isn't anything fancy. like you said, it's prolly because PHP/MySQL isn't setup properly on your machine... and that's something i can't help you with.
02-02-2002, 02:51 PM
Yes it does work with 2.2.2 and it sure beats the hell out of php chats. It's great to have your message go directly to the chat when you enter without the delay and refresh. Easiest hack I've installed yet. Rates a 10 in my book. :)
drives fast
02-03-2002, 06:58 PM
I am having the same problem as hypedave.
I have a large hand full of registered members who cannot access the chat page. It says they are logged in but no access.
My script is in the forum root too. I have made changes to manually allow specific usergroups and it works fine for everyone except the handfull that are having the access problems. A database error occurs when those members try to access the page then.
Any idea why only some can't access even though they are members?
I have tested this myself and when I login as them I can't get in either so it can't be a cookies thing locally.
please help
02-03-2002, 08:35 PM
everyone that is registered and logged in should be able to access chat.
oh wait. you are running vbportal. i recall some one else had problems with this chat script and vbportal. probably something with global.php. you might try uploading the regular global.php to your forum directory but call it global2.php so it doesn't overwrite or conflict with anything else. then edit the chat scripts to include global2.php instead of global.php. (random idea, might work, might not)
otherwise you might want to ask wajones @ about this problem. give him a link to this thread and ask him if he knows what you need to change to get it working with vbportal.
drives fast
02-03-2002, 08:40 PM
thank you ...I will try both suggeestions
02-04-2002, 09:12 PM
This is a great hack.. I managed to put together a simple upgrade for myself for showing online chatters that involved no altering of the original install other than pointing your browser to a different page. I guess you could call it an addon. I would share it but it involves code from Dom's Who's chatting hack and I don't want to upset anyone. Again, this is a GREAT hack!
02-05-2002, 01:59 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PhotoGenie
This is a great hack.. I managed to put together a simple upgrade for myself for showing online chatters that involved no altering of the original install other than pointing your browser to a different page. I guess you could call it an addon. I would share it but it involves code from Dom's Who's chatting hack and I don't want to upset anyone. Again, this is a GREAT hack!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
...or at least some linkage for Dom's Who's chatting hack. :)
02-05-2002, 11:24 AM
Here ya go... Like I said, none of this is mine I just moved things around a little..
02-05-2002, 11:30 AM
I moved where I place $chatters at on my boards. You only see the area where chatters are listed if there are chatters in chat..
Include in the text file..
02-05-2002, 11:59 AM
If you want to be able to see whos in chat over threads list..
Use GeorgeofCS code from his hack on digichat. Here is a paste:
in forumdisplay.php
at the very bottom the right above:
// Get users chatting
if ($showforumusers) {
$datecut = $ourtimenow - $cookietimeout;
$chatters = '';
$comma = '';
$forumusers = $DB_site->query("SELECT username, invisible, userid
FROM user
WHERE inchat = 1 AND
lastchatactivity > $datecut");
while ($forumuser = $DB_site->fetch_array($forumusers)) {
if (!$forumuser['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) {
$userid = $forumuser['userid'];
$username = $forumuser['username'];
if ($forumuser['invisible'] == 1) { // Invisible User but show to Admin
$invisibleuser = '*';
} else {
$invisibleuser = '';
eval("\$chatters .= \"".$comma.gettemplate('forumdisplay_loggedinuser')."\";");
$comma = ', ';
if ($chatters) {
if (!$moderatedby) {
$onlineusers = "<br>";
eval("\$onlineusers .= \"".gettemplate('forumdisplay_loggedinusers')."\";");
Next in forumdisplay_loggedinusers template
<br>(Users Browsing this Forum: $browsers)
<br>(Users Browsing this Forum: $browsers)
<br>(Users In Chat: $chatters)
02-05-2002, 12:07 PM
The only thing I dont like about the whos online is it doesn't log you out right away when you leave. You have to wait until your cookie times out. I set my cookie time out for 3 minutes and instead of putting "Members in chat" I put "Current/Recent" Chatters. I did this because some listed may not be in the room anymore, their cookie just hasn't timed out..
02-05-2002, 02:13 PM
I decided to change where i put the chatters online in my main page .. I wanted under the pm messages at the bottom.. So I opened forumhome_pmloggedin template and put this at the bottom..
<tr id="cat">
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" colspan="6"><smallfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Current/Recent Chatters </b></smallfont><smallfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"></smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" colspan="6"><smallfont>$chatters</smallfont></td>
Instead of in my forumhome_loggedinuser template. Now it shows at the bottom plus its hidden from guest.. Guess you could find a bunch of different places you might want to put it.. These hacks are great, I'm having a lot of fun with them..:)
02-06-2002, 05:51 PM
I wasn't satisfied with it not logging you out until your cookie timed out so I made another small change and to my surprise it worked.. This is working off my install of the whos chatting hack of Dom's to work with this hack..
I went back and changed the chat_index.php and added a simple pop up java script to it:
<title>Site Title</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<!-- Begin
function leave() {'','','toolbar=no,menubar=no,locatio n=no,height=1,width=1');
// End -->
<frameset onUnload="leave()" rows="1,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="mainchat_top.php" >
<frame name="mainFrame" src="main_chat.php">
<noframes><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
Then I created chat_logout.php and inserted this:
if( $bbuserid ) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET inchat='0' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET lastchatactivity=$ourtimenow WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
} else {
} // end if
echo <script>self.close();</script>
That was it.. Now it will log you out as soon as you leave the chat..
You may decide to change the time of the pop up window and incude html if you like with some text... No more waiting on the cookie to clear..
02-06-2002, 06:56 PM
i don't like the way that hack gets the online chatters. i can do without it for now.
02-06-2002, 08:06 PM
You mean with the refresh and all? I dont know much about this stuff. I just move things around until they work. I would like to see you (Jakeman) come up with a hack for this and include it in your present hack. My chatters miss each other without knowing whos in there. This integrated chat hack is still killer even without a whos in chat. I will use this until I see someone or you come up with something else. I'm willing to try anything just about. :)
02-07-2002, 06:00 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PhotoGenie
You mean with the refresh and all? I dont know much about this stuff. I just move things around until they work. I would like to see you (Jakeman) come up with a hack for this and include it in your present hack. My chatters miss each other without knowing whos in there. This integrated chat hack is still killer even without a whos in chat. I will use this until I see someone or you come up with something else. I'm willing to try anything just about. :)
02-09-2002, 07:50 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
are you putting the chat.php and chatmain.php in the forum root? i just don't see how you could be getting these errors... the hack is pretty much straight forward and nonintrusive.
02-09-2002, 08:07 AM
Fixed the problem. Too bad it cuts off the person's name (because of IRC server). I may add ls_ before the name
02-09-2002, 08:34 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lifesourcerec
Fixed the problem.
02-12-2002, 02:18 PM
Just thought I would mention that I found a fairly new irc server that allows you to register your channel, make them hidden and the server operator will help you set it up. I had seen some post in here about wanting to make their room private or hidden..
anyone else know what other servers that might let you register a channel without a lot of hassle?
02-12-2002, 04:15 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PhotoGenie
<frame name="mainFrame" src="main_chat.php">
02-12-2002, 04:26 PM
I also added the "If you want to display the users over the top of threads list. Use GeorgeofCS previous code from his hack on digichat. Here is a paste: "
But my forum doesnt display anything. Could you post a pic of where it should appear? please
my forum :
02-12-2002, 04:27 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
what was wrong?
02-12-2002, 04:29 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by pdatoon
Hi PhotoGenie,
I have installed it, but it doesnt work
I cannot figure out what is that main_chat.php file you are referring to? i dont have it.
02-12-2002, 05:11 PM
All fixed. Thanx!
03-10-2002, 12:33 AM
Can someone give me an example of how the chatmain should be setup, like the syntax of the code?
Also how do logged in members on the board use their member names to log into the jIRC. Can this be done automatically?
03-10-2002, 08:03 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Renegade
Can someone give me an example of how the chatmain should be setup, like the syntax of the code?
Also how do logged in members on the board use their member names to log into the jIRC. Can this be done automatically?
03-21-2002, 12:02 AM
i am having small problem, it doesnt show WHO's ONLINE CHATTING...
any idea why?
03-22-2002, 03:02 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by camikazi2k
i am having small problem, it doesnt show WHO's ONLINE CHATTING...
any idea why?
03-22-2002, 03:58 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by camikazi2k
i am having small problem, it doesnt show WHO's ONLINE CHATTING...
any idea why?
03-22-2002, 04:07 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by camikazi2k
i am having small problem, it doesnt show WHO's ONLINE CHATTING...
any idea why?
03-22-2002, 04:58 AM
IS there a way for this to work with a popup window?
03-22-2002, 05:58 AM
I have it working in a popup window, What do you mean then?
03-22-2002, 06:09 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lifesourcerec
IS there a way for this to work with a popup window?
03-22-2002, 06:09 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JulianD
I have it working in a popup window, What do you mean then?
03-22-2002, 12:04 PM
Came across this while browsing curious to see if anyone has tried it out yet....
03-22-2002, 04:19 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakeman
the html for that is in the first post in this thread.
and i still don't understand what the Whois online chatting problem is. but if you fixed it, great. :p
is there a irc server were they allow spaces in your user name? my name on my site is "big bad opus" and when i trie to log on the server things my name is "big."
is there a way to kill the spaces in a user's name?
03-24-2002, 05:45 PM
that is a limitation of jpilot or IRC, not a limitation of this hack. i'm not sure how to "fix" this. sorry. :(
03-24-2002, 06:22 PM support long names
[QUOTE]Originally posted by wooolF[RM] support long names
03-25-2002, 12:32 AM
I installed the JPilot integration as described in the first post, that part is working fine.
But I can't seem to get the "Who's in JIRC" hack to work. I followed the directions in whosinjirc_chat.txt, but the $chatters variable doesn't display anything.
Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
03-25-2002, 02:41 AM
this hack doesn't have whois in chat functionality. are you confusing this with another hack?
...though, i was meaning to add whois in chat functionality, i just need to spend some time with it.
03-25-2002, 03:08 AM
Elsewhere in this thread, someone posted a "Who's In Chat" hack that is supposed to work with this. Couldn't get it to work tho.
03-25-2002, 04:17 PM
JPilot IRC applet doesn't allow you to have spaces in your name. So if your VBulletin username is "Joe Blow", this hack will log you in to IRC as "Joe" because the JPilot IRC applet ignores everything after the space.
Here's a way to get this hack to substitute an underscore character "_" for a space so that you will log into IRC with your full username:
In your chatmain template, change:
<param name="NickName" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
<param name="NickName" value="$ircname">
In your phpinclude template, add:
$ircname = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $bbuserinfo[username]);
That's it! Hope this helps.
[email protected]
vbmenu_register("postmenu_232795", true);
03-25-2002, 07:18 PM
Hack works great, only one problem, i have installed vbportal as a home page, and the irc chat link only works now when it is clicked from within the forums area, and not on the home page? any suggestions?
check out to see what i am talking about at
03-25-2002, 08:08 PM
your links are correct. it should work. others have had problems with this hack and vbportal together. vbportal might do something differently that is jacking the jpilot.
maybe try removing the sessionhash in the link?
03-25-2002, 09:35 PM
I'm IRC illiterate....I have all the files uploaded, and the templates added, now where do I go to connect to a server? Do I have to register a channel and nick? Can someone point me in the right direction?
03-25-2002, 10:19 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by
Hack works great, only one problem, i have installed vbportal as a home page, and the irc chat link only works now when it is clicked from within the forums area, and not on the home page? any suggestions?
check out to see what i am talking about at
03-25-2002, 11:44 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Smoothie
I'm IRC illiterate....I have all the files uploaded, and the templates added, now where do I go to connect to a server? Do I have to register a channel and nick? Can someone point me in the right direction?
03-26-2002, 07:27 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
most are free :)
DO i have to buy JPilot for this tioo work?
03-27-2002, 08:33 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by e_dove
most are free :)
DO i have to buy JPilot for this tioo work?
03-27-2002, 10:23 AM
I registered my channel and we were approved. I just installed a chat client and together with this hack, it works great!
BTW, the chat client we are using is free. :)
03-27-2002, 11:30 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by HellRazor
I installed the JPilot integration as described in the first post, that part is working fine.
But I can't seem to get the "Who's in JIRC" hack to work. I followed the directions in whosinjirc_chat.txt, but the $chatters variable doesn't display anything.
Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
03-27-2002, 11:37 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Smoothie
I registered my channel and we were approved. I just installed a chat client and together with this hack, it works great!
BTW, the chat client we are using is free. :)
03-28-2002, 07:30 AM
hey Jakeman-
Thanks for the hack. I checked out your site. Great job! I know a lot of hard work went into the design, and it shows.
03-28-2002, 11:46 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by
Hack works great, only one problem, i have installed vbportal as a home page, and the irc chat link only works now when it is clicked from within the forums area, and not on the home page? any suggestions?
check out to see what i am talking about at
[email protected]
vbmenu_register("postmenu_233866", true);
03-29-2002, 03:38 AM
[QUOTE]I had the same issue on my test server whe I installed this hack.
I fixed it by specification of (changes in Yellow)
03-29-2002, 04:04 AM
dang, and I thought I'd found it !! sorry... :(
03-29-2002, 12:51 PM
Can any one help me make this addon for 2.01 ver.
Please, please!! thank you guys so much!!
03-30-2002, 06:22 PM
What I am trying to accomplish is that when users login to our site through the forum, when they go to the Chat button it will do a popup like this. I have a contact who did this but cannot get ahold of him on how to do this. Here's the popup:
How can I get it so I can do a graphical window as such with jIRC integration and also be able to pull a banner in at the bottom??
03-30-2002, 09:23 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by
I have these changes already but still doesnt work, :( ant suggestions.
06-12-2002, 01:54 PM
I have vb and phportals installed on my board, the hack works great and have had only one issue.
if ur on the vbportal page and click the link i only get a blank window, if ur on the forums page, it works fine..
i seen in the chat.php it makes its call to the global.php file of vb, now seeing as vbportal dont use this in its directory, is there a way to include it?
06-13-2002, 05:24 PM
other people have had problems with this hack and vBPortal. i have always referred them to for help.
if the chat php files are not in the forum directory then you should be able to use a chdir line at the top of the script to make it so the script is executed from the forum directory:
by adding this line below the first <?php line at the top it will allow you to run the file from any directory and the global.php include will always work. if this doesn't work then the problem must be with vBPortal... perhaps vBPortal does something differently that this hack doesn't like. i couldn't say. all i know is this hack works fine with vBulletin version 2.2.1 through 2.2.6 . it should work ok with any version of 2.0 but it hasn't been tested on those earlier versions.
06-14-2002, 01:20 PM
the files are in the forum directory already, i will try what you suggest though, thanx
08-30-2002, 02:37 AM
Love this hack. Working beautifully and am about to try your 'who in chat' hack. Got one teensy little prob tho.......
For some reasons, Mac users - using IE5.1 and 5.5 do not get the applet loading properly in the normal popup. Think it has something to do with the percentages - I customized the table so it resized the whole thing in IE, when make window tiny the table goes tiny too without any need to scroll to see things. But that doesn't work in Mac versions (or in NS6 on PC). So we put a script at top of page redirecting to a Mac friendly version if it recognised the browser was on a Mac.
Now, I pasted that script into the chatmain template, but tho it still redirected fine, it doesn't include that page as part of the intergration. So I'm figuring maybe I need to add the script to the chatmain.php, (converted to php?) so it will load either 'chatmain', or the 'chatmac' template for the mac version, in the popup.
What would be the code - I assume it'll go before the ''gettemplate chatmain'' - to assess whether the browser is on a Mac? Could I use the java script I used on the html page in the chatmain.php or do the two not mix? This is the previous code we used:
//var myURL = "url of the alternate Mac html";
//if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" &&
//navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1 ) {
//location = myURL; }
Thanx for any help. :)
09-10-2002, 01:02 AM
Installed on 2.2.7, modified quite a bit. Working well, thanks. :)
12-10-2002, 01:51 AM
I have this working in Vbportal with VB 2.29. Lots of modifications were needed. Users in chat show in the forums and I am now working a mod to get it to show up on the VBportal home page.
12-17-2002, 09:59 AM
How'd you get it working, GW? I'm still on 2.2.8 but it's not working on my forums and buggered if I know how to get it onto my vBHome page (scrapped vBPortal in favor of vBHome - far less resource hungry and much more customizable!).
Ive made a few modifications to the Chatmain template to give a few smilies and buttons like the hack available for UBB...
I dont know if anyone is interested but if anyone is this is what I changed :) You might need to make a few adjustments, anyway just trying to help :)
09-28-2003, 05:17 AM
hi Jakeman.
I get this on my online.php when someone uses the chat...
Unknown Location: /chatmain.php?s=
how come it says unknown location?
09-28-2003, 10:48 PM
09-30-2003, 06:37 AM
10-06-2003, 01:07 PM
10-06-2003, 04:37 PM
10-07-2003, 11:56 AM
found my own solution.
in my online.php under line 258 :
$userinfo[where] = "Enter Chat";
change to :
$userinfo[where] = "name anything you wish to see on online page";
and line 598 :
case 'chat.php':
change to :
case 'chatmain.php':
01-06-2004, 12:35 PM
check this out, I have modified Jakeman codes to be used on vb3 :
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