03-18-2023, 10:00 PM
This javascript will allow users to search for and add GIPHY GIFs to any thread via the Quick Reply box. (Does not work for regular replies.)
1. Create a free developer account at GIPHY to get API key:
2. Unzip and edit add_giphy.js with your API key.
3. Upload add_giphy.js to your /clientscript/ folder.
4. Edit SHOWTHREAD template and add before the end </body>:
<!-- GIPHY Plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/clientscript/giphy.js"></script>
<!-- End of GIPHY Plugin -->
The GIPHY search box is inserted by the javascript under the Quick Reply box on the SHOWTHREADS template. Users type in a keyword they want to search on, a series of GIFs are displayed. When the user clicks on one, it will be inserted into the Quick Reply box.
1. Create a free developer account at GIPHY to get API key:
2. Unzip and edit add_giphy.js with your API key.
3. Upload add_giphy.js to your /clientscript/ folder.
4. Edit SHOWTHREAD template and add before the end </body>:
<!-- GIPHY Plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/clientscript/giphy.js"></script>
<!-- End of GIPHY Plugin -->
The GIPHY search box is inserted by the javascript under the Quick Reply box on the SHOWTHREADS template. Users type in a keyword they want to search on, a series of GIFs are displayed. When the user clicks on one, it will be inserted into the Quick Reply box.