View Full Version : upgrade question

12-02-2001, 03:06 AM
Never upgraded with hacks.

But I am currently running 2.2.0

If i upgrade will i still beable to use my hacks if i reinstall them?
And if that's possible, then i assume I can install 2.2.0 hacks to an upgraded forum.

Just wondering,

help is appreciated.


12-02-2001, 03:26 AM
Get a program called Beyond Compare (a link is available from vbulletin.com members area) if you made any changes to the php files. Back up your template files (you can download them) and back up your db.

use BC to compare the new php files with your backedu p ones so that you know what to change in the php files to make sure your hacks work.

Then do the upgrade.

Compare you new templates with your backed up templates to make sure that you re-instate your hacks.

12-02-2001, 03:28 AM
thx for the response. and a quick one at that