View Full Version : Missing 'widget/modules' after migration

01-08-2021, 02:13 AM
Ok, but very long story cut short.

One of my sites was hacked about a year ago and it's been down since. I've finally got it back up (have some 'covid' time on my hands) and almost recovered it.

I've upgrade to VB5.

All good, but I seem to be missing some of the default(?) channel modules, so I can't show the contents of threads/posts etc.. I can see the forum listings, then when I click on any of the forums, it does not show any listings of threads.

I've been in to Edit Page for that particular type, and then tried to add in the correct module (sub-channels display), but it's not in the list.

If I check on one of my other sites that I have just migrated from vb4 to 5, I can see

Sub-Channels Display Module &
Channel Display Module

But they are not on my first site (www.ozvag.com)....

Any thoughts anybody? is there a way I can re-create these?

I've reverted all styles, re uploaded all the files again, ran the 'upgrade' again and that all runs fine. Obviously something is missing in the sql data (I would suspect)..

I've done a search in phpadmin on the "good" site for '%Sub-Channels%' and can find them in the following:

tempate x 2
phrase x 12
language x 1
cache x 2

But, I can't work out which is the correct ones to export/import in to the "bad" site..

Does what I've said above make sense?

01-08-2021, 08:43 AM
1- Enter the sub-category forum.
2- Click on Page Edit
3- Type sub to search module
4- Sub-Channels Display Module drag module under Channel Description Module
and save the page.

If there is no Sub-Channels Display Module module, I would re-upload files to ftp and update. Missing modules will come back

01-09-2021, 07:37 PM
thanks. I don't see those options on mine..