View Full Version : paid sticky thread/topic

06-14-2020, 03:41 PM
Is there a mod for this https://forum.vbulletin.com/forum/vbulletin-5-connect/vbulletin-5-connect-questions-problems-troubleshooting/vbulletin-5-support-issues-questions/4371569-how-to-create-a-paid-sticky-thread-topic-for-member

If not, know any developer who can create it?

In Omnibus
06-15-2020, 12:15 AM
You can try Glenn Vergara over at his website https://www.vbmods.rocks

He may or may not have the time to do custom work. I'm not certain.

06-19-2020, 08:23 AM
You can try Glenn Vergara over at his website https://www.vbmods.rocks

He may or may not have the time to do custom work. I'm not certain.

I joined his forum over 2 years ago and ask for custom work then but no luck. Either he doesn't have time to do it, too complicated for him or both. I give up waiting for Glenn. Forum dead because I can't offer Marketplace section.

Any other developers who can make a plugin for me? I can pay, of course.

I would also like another one where customer can only create a thread in a particular forum every 7 days, and if they try to post it will show them the date/time when they can next post again. This is for marketplace section.

Or maybe there are more developers for XenForo who can help with this.

In Omnibus
06-19-2020, 08:26 AM
The only other person I know who develops vB5 mods is Delicjous.

06-19-2020, 08:31 AM
Ok. Thanks for the suggestions. So there aren't many vB5 devs then? :(

His signature has

vBulletin-Forum.de closed! Not sure if he is available or not @Delicjous

--------------- Added 1592562837 at 1592562837 ---------------

Oh, I see he is still active. I'll PM him. Thanks.

06-21-2020, 02:37 PM
This is perfect https://xenforo.com/community/resources/user-paid-sticky.804/

But it is for XenForo v1 and no longer supported. If only could get that for vB5 :)