View Full Version : problem in language symbols

10-26-2019, 06:30 AM
in stall vb 4.x and after i change website hosting and transfer website and database to new hosting the web site language (Arabic) and forum control panel was change to strange characteristics as attached

how I can solve that

10-26-2019, 09:07 AM
Different charsets being used on each server, so you;; need to change mysql charsets to match what you was using on the old server

11-05-2019, 07:01 PM
I change it to latin1_swedish which I use on old self but unfortunately, not solve the problems
also I change it to utf8mb4_unicode_ci and not solve the problem as well
any other charsets can I use which compatible for the Arabic language

11-05-2019, 07:53 PM
Did you modify the "HTML Character Set" setting at Languages & Phrases > Language Manager > Edit Settings of the language?

11-06-2019, 07:48 AM
I meant the server, not in your db via phpmyadmin

Check the mysql server charsets, via diagnostics -> mysql variables

character_set_client latin1
character_set_connection latin1
character_set_database latin1
character_set_filesystem binary
character_set_results latin1
character_set_server latin1
character_set_system utf8

If those match on each server, then rule it out.

If its a plesk server, plesk likes to set a local php.ini with a charset in it, which is most likely wrong.