View Full Version : [release] Show invisible users (ultra small hack) v1.0

09-17-2000, 02:24 PM

Short: to add the number of invisibel people to the text (x members online)

First, edit the loggedinusers template,

Look for:
There are currently $numberregistered member(s) and $numberguest guest(s) on the boards.

change with:

There are currently $numberregistered member(s) $invisibleusers and $numberguest guest(s) on the boards.

Now open index.php and look for


underneath it, add this:

//invisible user hack
if ($numberinvisible > 0){
$invisibleusers= '(' . ($numberinvisible) . ' invisible)' ;
//end invisible hack

Yes, the $numberinvisible=$numberregistered-$numbervisible; is in the code already, for some reason. This is a very simple hack, I doubt this could ruin anything. thus it gets a 1.0 release tag.

[Edited by doron on 09-17-2000 at 11:30 AM]

03-30-2001, 02:20 PM
I like this little hack.


03-30-2001, 07:12 PM
This is an old hack...I'm not sure if it works with 2.0

Actually....How do you do this with 2.0? :)

03-31-2001, 04:28 PM
I'm using this hack with vb2 beta 3 and it works well.
I made exactly what doron wrote.

04-13-2001, 02:57 PM
the hacks works great

I'm an Administrator on my board and is it possible to see which users are invisible on my board? vbulletin 2.0 has that to but is it possible for vb 1.1.5?

04-22-2001, 09:07 AM
:) :) Nice hack dude thanks
anyway that you can show invisible users names?