View Full Version : BB not parsing - error

07-29-2019, 07:59 AM
vb 4.2.5
php 7.1

After a server/domain move.

BB code is not being parsed.
I have looked in the post tables and specific post ID's where I know BB code is being used and it's still present.
If I edit the relevant post in the active forum there is no BB code visible.

If I then go to the Custom BB Code in Admin CP there are errors..
Cannot use string offset as an array on line 59 in /home/abc.org/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(244) : eval()'d code
#0 /home/abc.org/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(1782): handle_tabletag(Object(vB_BbCodeParser), 'column 1|column...', false)
#1 /home/abc.org/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(1587): vB_BbCodeParser->handle_external('column 1|column...', false)
#2 /home/abc.org/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(1042): vB_BbCodeParser->parse_array(Array, false, false, false)
#3 /home/abc.org/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(563): vB_BbCodeParser->parse_bbcode('[table]column 1...', false, false, false)
#4 /home/abc.org/forum/admincp/bbcode.php(356): vB_BbCodeParser->do_parse('[table]column 1...', false, false, true, false, true, false, NULL, false, false)
#5 {main}

I'm clearly not that bright when it comes to mysql so any advice greatly appreciated.

07-31-2019, 09:01 AM
Okay so the error was down to an outdated plugin called vbCode Table.
I have uninstalled this plugin.

Rebuilding post cache does NOT restore bbcode parsing no matter what iteration of procedure.

Codes are parsing correctly through the AdminCP under BB Code Manager.

Driving me round the bend!