View Full Version : VB4 Post Editor, is there an update or mod?
05-03-2019, 07:50 AM
Is there an update to the VB4 wysiwyg editor or possibly a mod that gives it better functionality?
In Omnibus
05-03-2019, 11:25 AM
There are no updates of any kind for vB4. Development on it stopped quite some time ago.
The CKEditor is open source but vBulletin always uses a customization of it so you can't simply replace the existing one with the newest version. It would require substantial coding.
05-14-2019, 06:45 PM
There is a manual in German for an update to If necessary, use Google Translate.
Beim CkEditor gab es viele und auch einige Wichtige Updates:
vBulletin 4.2.5 hat standardm??ig CkEditor 3.2
Diese ?nderungen wurden getestet mit:
PHP 7.2.4 u. 7.2.3
PHP 7.0.22
Unter PHP 7.1 m?sste es also auch funktionieren.
CkEditor runterladen:
Alles au?er:
kopieren nach clientscript/ckeditor/
Hinweis: Im Ordner Plugins w?rde es sich empfehlen auch nur die zu kopieren, welche in vB schon vorhanden sind.
Nicht notwendig: einbauen wer mag:
Den Code in clientscript/ckeditor/ckeditorChange.js packen (Datei neu erstellen)
in /clientscript/ckeditor/ckeditor_php5.php
$out .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $ckeditorPath . 'ckeditor.js' . $args . "\"></script>\n";
und drunter hinzuf?gen:
$out .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $ckeditorPath . 'ckeditorChange.js' . $args . "\"></script>\n";
und in /vb/ckeditor.php
in der Funktion getJsIncludes() auch wieder die ckeditorChange.js hinzuf?gen.
Wieder notwendig:
zh:1},load:function(k,l,m){if(!k||!a.lang.language s[k])k=this.detect(l,k);if(!this[k])a.scriptLoader.load(a.getUrl('lang/'+k+'.js'),function(){m(k,this[k]);},this);else m(k,this[k]);},detect:function(k,l)
ersetzte mit:
in clientscript/ckeditor/ckeditor_php5.php
alle private durch protected ersetzten.
private $events = array();
protected $events = array();
private function jsEncode($val)
protected function jsEncode($val)
Wer Probleme mit UTF-8 hat kann noch ben?tigen:
includes/functions.php in Z. 7093 einf?gen:
function removeWrongChars(string &$text) {
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding ($text);
if($encoding != "UTF-8") {
$text = mb_convert_encoding( $text, $encoding, "UTF-8" );
und vor Zeile 7319
// show regular page
if (empty($vbulletin->db->explain) OR (defined('VB_API') AND VB_API === true))
final kaoss
05-14-2019, 07:10 PM
Did you write that yourself or is there a source article that you can attribute that to?
05-14-2019, 08:06 PM
looks like there is something here - (in german - translated to English)
however, something I will call out immediately is the following
vBulletin 4.2.5 defaults to CkEditor 3.2
These changes have been tested with:
PHP 7.2.4 u. 7.2.3
PHP 7.0.22
It should work under PHP 7.1.
I'm running php 5.6.40 on my vB4.2.5 site. Not sure how many vB4 sites are using php7.1+ at this point.
05-14-2019, 08:29 PM
These changes are from "kleinerzwerg" and also work under php 5.6. I recommend to use at least php 7.0 because the board runs a lot faster:).
05-23-2019, 01:46 PM
There are no updates of any kind for vB4. Development on it stopped quite some time ago.
The CKEditor is open source but vBulletin always uses a customization of it so you can't simply replace the existing one with the newest version. It would require substantial coding.
I agree with this, and that is why I didn't update vB editor while I really wanted to do that.
Has anybody tried this yet?
06-13-2019, 02:29 PM
We have sucessfully integrated CKEditor 5 into vBulletin 3 & 4 and it's currently the editor we use in our development area. Since vBulletin default's CKEditor is deeply embedded, we're still working to make the new editor as less modification as possible.
It supports all features of vBulletin, smoother, mobile compatible and of course looks better.
Here is how it looks like:
That looks great, will you be releasing it?
06-13-2019, 07:43 PM
That looks great, will you be releasing it?
Yes, we will release it.
At first, we planned to charge for it, but then we decided that it will be for free.
Being a small team that's been with vBulletin since version 2 until now, we think that this community deserves better support.
That's great news, even if it was a premium product I would certainly be interested.
Do you have any idea on a timescale for release?
06-14-2019, 01:46 PM
That's great news, even if it was a premium product I would certainly be interested.
Do you have any idea on a timescale for release?
We're trying to get it finished by the end of the month.
07-24-2019, 04:59 AM
is there any news here? can you also integrate CKEditor 4 + Kama Skin?
I like the original style. Or you can install this skin in CKEditor 5?
08-20-2019, 09:49 PM
Would absolutely be interested in this. I am assuming that any current plugin that calls the CKeditor will be broken unless updated?
08-22-2019, 11:02 PM
Consider me very interested in this as well. A modern editor for vb4 would be a really nice thing to have.
08-23-2019, 01:27 AM
Consider me very interested in this as well. A modern editor for vb4 would be a really nice thing to have.
does not appear he's been around in the last couple of months... hopefully they are stealth reading this thread
08-24-2019, 05:53 PM
We can still hope for Dave to complete his search operation successfully.:D
In Omnibus
08-24-2019, 05:55 PM
From the brief look I've given it I can't imagine anyone coding this and releasing it free. The amount of work involved is bordering on astronomical.
08-24-2019, 06:03 PM
maybe CKEditor 4 can be better adapted? it is still supported until 2023.
Maybe this will make it clear on why it's so hard and time consuming. The first issue is that newer versions are not backwards compatible with any of the existing vBulletin and BBCode plugins. All plugins that provide custom implementations into the editor will break and there's nothing that can be done about it aside from porting their CKEditor implementation to the new version. There is no global fix for that. Additionally you'd be required to overwrite existing vBulletin files but since there are no updates anymore that is probably not a big deal.
We basically have 2 options:
1. Editor that is not connected to vBulletin's options and internal code, no attachment manager, no image uploader, etc. Only used to submit simple posts with just text. Probably a few days of work.
2. Editor that implements vBulletin's BBCode to provide support for permission manager, attachment manager and image uploader, etc. Along with that we'd have to make sure that implementations from old plugins need to be rejected since it could break the editor. Probably several weeks of work.
Since no one in their right mind will work on it non-stop and putting a hold on their actual job that gives them money, it will probably take months. Then what will the payoff be? Since vBulletin is not as popular as it used to be it will probably be a couple users saying thank you and the rest leeching off the download and never seeing them again, as expected.
Could it be made into a premium plugin? Probably, but personally I wouldn't do that.
08-24-2019, 06:41 PM
From another post you had written that you already finished Variant 1. The question is how long does your search campaign take and when do you have time to search for variant 1 in your security file?
Maybe someone else can take care of variant 2.
I'd rather wait for an update of the user CodeStache before I waste any time on it since they claimed their version will support all features.
If they don't release it or provide an update on their progress within the next 1-2 months then I'll find my non-completed version of it and post it in this thread.
08-24-2019, 07:40 PM
I would not wait 1 months more. CodeStache registered on June 11 and was back online just 8 days later. He wrote in late June it will probably be ready, but now we have the end of August and no sign of life from him.
Maybe you have the opportunity to find out more about it through his email. Enter the mail at google. Maybe you will find his homepage. or contact him about it.
08-26-2019, 08:08 AM
I would not wait 1 months more. CodeStache registered on June 11 and was back online just 8 days later. He wrote in late June it will probably be ready, but now we have the end of August and no sign of life from him.
Maybe you have the opportunity to find out more about it through his email. Enter the mail at google. Maybe you will find his homepage. or contact him about it.Da gebe ich Dir absolut Recht :up: Schade, das niemand hier das Wissen hat, den CKEditor entsprechend anzupassen. Derjenige soll es ja auch nicht umsonst tun :) Sehr sehr schade das ganze :(
Da gebe ich Dir absolut Recht :up: Schade, das niemand hier das Wissen hat, den CKEditor entsprechend anzupassen. Derjenige soll es ja auch nicht umsonst tun :) Sehr sehr schade das ganze :(
Please keep all posts in English, not everyone understands German. :)
08-26-2019, 12:48 PM
Well, guys, I have nothing else to say except that I'm really sorry for the wait.
The thing is, yes, it does need a huge amount of works to actually get the CKEditor 5 to be able to embed to vBulletin while allowing people to edit the codes as less as possible. There are tons of codes that needed to be edited directly from the files, which we think is really not good at all for general forum owners.
Good news is, we have found several helpful developers as partners to get this sorted in a much better way. Some are currently not using this board, while one is available here, BetoPho (, which is a great vBulletin developer that is working together with us on this one.
We decided to discard CKEditor 5 and use another editor, which is Summernote (, while less advanced and powerful compared to CKEditor, but is guaranteed to keep this project alive, bringing more features to the editor, following up with modern coding standards, and most important, keeping it free of charge.
I'm asking BetoPho to post some updates so perhaps we will see some of it shortly.
08-26-2019, 03:26 PM
Please keep all posts in English, not everyone understands German. :)It means in your language...
Too bad that no one here has the knowledge to adjust the CKEditor accordingly. He should not do it for nothing, that means I'm willing to pay for it and it should be not a problem. Sad to see that no one is willing to do that :(
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Well, guys, I have nothing else to say except that I'm really sorry for the wait.
The thing is, yes, it does need a huge amount of works to actually get the CKEditor 5 to be able to embed to vBulletin while allowing people to edit the codes as less as possible. There are tons of codes that needed to be edited directly from the files, which we think is really not good at all for general forum owners.
Good news is, we have found several helpful developers as partners to get this sorted in a much better way. Some are currently not using this board, while one is available here, BetoPho (, which is a great vBulletin developer that is working together with us on this one.
We decided to discard CKEditor 5 and use another editor, which is Summernote (, while less advanced and powerful compared to CKEditor, but is guaranteed to keep this project alive, bringing more features to the editor, following up with modern coding standards, and most important, keeping it free of charge.
I'm asking BetoPho to post some updates so perhaps we will see some of it shortly.That's it what I have been waiting for and it sounds great :up: How about a Paypal account where everyone can spend a amount of $'s to appreciate your work? I'm in for sure :) :up::D
08-26-2019, 05:29 PM
I have some questions about that. What about plugin compatibility? For example Hide Hack or Post Thank You Hack. Can you restore the original style?
Did you also consider ckeditor 4? Or is version 4 just as difficult to customize?
best regards
In Omnibus
08-26-2019, 06:34 PM
Well, guys, I have nothing else to say except that I'm really sorry for the wait.
The thing is, yes, it does need a huge amount of works to actually get the CKEditor 5 to be able to embed to vBulletin while allowing people to edit the codes as less as possible. There are tons of codes that needed to be edited directly from the files, which we think is really not good at all for general forum owners.
Good news is, we have found several helpful developers as partners to get this sorted in a much better way. Some are currently not using this board, while one is available here, BetoPho (, which is a great vBulletin developer that is working together with us on this one.
We decided to discard CKEditor 5 and use another editor, which is Summernote (, while less advanced and powerful compared to CKEditor, but is guaranteed to keep this project alive, bringing more features to the editor, following up with modern coding standards, and most important, keeping it free of charge.
I'm asking BetoPho to post some updates so perhaps we will see some of it shortly.
vBulletin 5 hasn't even upgraded to CKEditor 5 yet because of how substantial the core code changes are between 4 and 5. It's not even coded in the same JS. CKE5 uses ES6.
08-26-2019, 08:21 PM
I can only really speak for myself, but I think others will concur, thanks for the updates Stache.
07-13-2020, 09:57 AM
I can only really speak for myself, but I think others will concur, thanks for the updates Stache.
Thanks for what? He hasn't delivered anything yet and I don't think there will be.
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