View Full Version : Email Password Reminder to User

01-02-2019, 10:22 AM
Many times members tend to forget their passwords...and then I receive an email from them saying "I can't remember my password". Lol

In this situation I generally go to the:

- "Users" section of the admin control panel.
- Then "Search for users".
- Then I enter the user name in the search field.
- Click on the "Exact Match" button.
- At the top of this page there's the "Quick User Links" drop down menu.
- From this drop down menu I select "Email password reminder to user".

Where do I go in the admin control panel area to modify this message (if it is modifiable)...and how can I verify that this vBulletin process or system ("Email password reminder to user") is actually functioning properly?

Thanks much.

01-02-2019, 11:57 AM
Change the phrase

You would need to tail the email log file & verify the system tried to send out the email to the users email address on record.