View Full Version : Preview Private Message Before Sending
OK, I wrote this hack seeing as my users were nagging about it and I could not find one here (if there is one, I apologise - please give me the URL).
This works exactly like post preview:
How to install:
Open private.php
1) First we need to move "newmessage" after "dosend". Highlight the entire section between:
// ############################### start new message ###############################
Until (but not including):
// ############################### start send message ###############################
Cut this entire section (a total of 83 lines in 2.2.1) and paste it right above:
// ############################### start do stuff (move, etc) ###############################
2) Now we need to insert the following code:
a) Find:
Right under it insert:
// preview hack
// preview hack
b) Find:
if ($pmquota>0 and $touserinfo[usergroupid] != 6 and $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] != 6) {
Right above it insert:
// preview hack
if ($preview) {
$previewmessage=bbcodeparse($message,0,$allowsmili e);
if ($signature) {
$post['signature'] = bbcodeparse($bbuserinfo['signature'],0,$allowsmilie);
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
$subject = $title;
$privmessage = $message;
} else {
// preview hack
c) Find:
} #end dosend
Right above it insert:
} // preview hack
d) Find:
//show new message form
Right under it insert:
// preview hack
if (!$pagetext) {
// parse message for html if previewing
$message = htmlspecialchars($message); // Without this, a </textarea> in the message breaks the form on preview
// preview hack
e) Find:
if ($bbuserinfo[userid]!=0 and !$previewpost and $bbuserinfo[signature]!="") {
Right under it insert:
// preview hack
if (!isset($parseurl)) {
if (!isset($savecopy)) {
if (!isset($pmreceipt)) {
// preview hack
f) Find:
// /enhanced
Right above it insert:
// preview hack
if (!isset($privmessage)) {
$privmessage = $message[message];
// preview hack
g) Find:
// enhanced
// /enhanced
And replace it with (the code to remove is marked in red):
// enhanced
// /enhanced
Save private.php and upload to server.
In the Administration control panel -> Templates
1) ADD template priv_sendpreview and insert to it:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#555576" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#8080A6"><smallfont color="#EEEEFF"><b>Message Preview:</b></smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1"><normalfont>$previewmessage</normalfont></td>
(you may edit this to your liking).
2) Open template priv_sendprivmsg
a) place $postpreview where you want the message preview to appear (normally would be under $cpnav).
b) Find:
<textarea name="message" rows="20" cols="$textareacols" wrap="virtual" tabindex="3">$message[message]</textarea>
And replace it with (change marked in red):
<textarea name="message" rows="20" cols="$textareacols" wrap="virtual" tabindex="3"> $privmessage</textarea>
c) Find:
<input type="checkbox" name="parseurl" value="yes" checked>
And replace it with (change marked in red):
<input type="checkbox" name="parseurl" value="yes" $parseurlchecked>
d) Find:
<input type="checkbox" name="savecopy" value="yes" checked>
And replace it with (change marked in red):
<input type="checkbox" name="savecopy" value="yes" $savecopychecked>
e) Find:
<input type="submit" class="bginput" name="submit" value="Send Message" accesskey="s" tabindex="4">
And replace it with (change marked in red):
<input type="submit" class="bginput" name="submit" value="Send Message" accesskey="s" tabindex="4">
<input type="submit" class="bginput" name="preview" value="Preview Message" accesskey="p" tabindex="4">
3) Open template priv_requestreceipt
<input type="checkbox" name="pmreceipt" value="yes" checked>
And replace it with (change marked in red):
<input type="checkbox" name="pmreceipt" value="yes" $pmreceiptchecked>
That's it!
Comments and additions welcome.
Sorry, forgot to attack the instructions in a txt file as well (the same instructions as posted above).
11-26-2001, 02:55 AM
bira, in the attached text file, you left a [/code] in. :o
It's in this part:
Right under it insert:
// preview hack
if (!isset($parseurl)) {
if (!isset($savecopy)) {
if (!isset($pmreceipt)) {
// preview hack
Not that I think anyone managed to install this hack so fast, but just in case - I made the following change to the above hack installation instructions:
In the private.php:
f) Find:
// /enhanced
Right above it insert:
// preview hack
if (!isset($privmessage)) {
$privmessage = $message[message];
// preview hack
And, in editing template priv_sendprivmsg please remove $message[message] from the textarea code.
11-26-2001, 03:21 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
Not that I think anyone managed to install this hack so fast, but just in case...
If you haven't installed the hack, ignore this message -- the installation instructions in the first thread and the downloadable attachment txt file have been modified.
I've had a bug on my BB after installing this hack, so if anyone who installed this hack experiences the same problem, here's the fix:
Problem: even if you select the option to "request read receipt", the PM doesn't appear in the message tracking page.
Fix: in private.php find:
// enhanced
// /enhanced
And replace with:
// enhanced
// /enhanced
(the part removed is coloured in red in the original code).
11-27-2001, 03:55 PM
After reading your message, I tested, and found I had the same problem. Your fix works fine. But I have to wonder, since it looks like this isn't part of your hack code, but rather part of the original code...does this fix have any other side effects?
JJR512 it shouldn't.
There is no difference as far as the private.php script goes between $pmreceipt=="yes" and just $pmreceipt not NULL.
For some reason, the preview hack alters the "yes". But it's still either NULL (empty) or not (has value).
So, the original code does:
if ($pmreceipt=="yes") {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
My fix does:
if ($pmrecepit) { //does $pmreceipt have a value?
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Hope I;m clear :)
Silly me, I found the culprit :blush:
In the hack details, I have the following code added:
// preview hack
// preview hack
This alters $pmreceipt's value from "yes" to "1" (which for this matter is the same thing.)
In any event, doing this fix will NOT harm your script.
11-27-2001, 05:10 PM
OK, I think it makes sense. :)
BTW, I just noticed that the name of this hack doesn't really suit what it does..."Preview Sent Private Message" haven't really sent the message yet, when you preview it. ;)
yeah, it should have been 'Preview Private Message before Sending' -- but I can't change it :/
If you haven't installed the hack, ignore this message -- the installation instructions in the first thread and the downloadable attachment txt file have been modified.
ok, found - and corrected - another bug.
Problem: if you are replying to a PM or forwarding it, the icon in the folder for that PM does not change from a regular "read PM" to a "replied to PM" or a "forwarded PM".
The reason is that if you preview a message, the values for "privatemessageid" and "forward" -- hidden fields in the form -- are not stored.
For this, we have to redclare them in the 'preview' part of the hack.
If you already installed this hack, find in private.php:
$subject = $title;
And add below or above it:
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
11-28-2001, 03:00 PM
Love it, installed here. :D
Thanks. :)
11-28-2001, 03:11 PM
Thank you. :)
One problem though, with this code:
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
If I'm not replying to a message or forwarding one, whenever I try to preview I get the error_noid message.
So I had to remove that bit for now, let us when you get a fix. :)
(and sorry about my test message :D)
FireFly, you shouldn't remove it. I'll explain:
In the send new pm form, there are two hidden fields (original code):
<input type="hidden" name="prevmessageid" value="$privatemessageid">
<input type="hidden" name="forward" value="$forward">
These determine the behaviour of your icons in the PM folder:
if $privatemessageid has a value, then it means you are now replying to or forwarding a message. If it doesn't have a value, it means you are writing a new message.
if $privatemessageid has a value and $forward=1, it means you are forwarding a message and not replying.
These then determine which icon will be displayed in your inbox next to that message.
Now, when you click on "Reply" for a message, these values are filled.
When you hit "Preview", these values are lost.
So we need to "reinstate" them.
That's what these two lines are for:
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
From what you are telling me, I can only assume you have high error reporting set in php.ini.
For the vast majority of the people, that error won't show up because they are not in development environment with high error reporting, and functionality is not tampered.
However, if you want to be "holier than the pope" so to speak, do this instead:
if ($prevmessageid) {
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
$forward = iif($forward,1,0);
I think this should work. Try it out and let me know :)
11-28-2001, 03:33 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
From what you are telling me, I can only assume you have high error reporting set in php.ini.
Wayne Luke
12-10-2001, 04:11 AM
OKay.. I have installed this as well and come across another pecularity.
If you look in private.php in the "New Message" section there is this line:
if (isset($privatemessageid)) {
Well what this does is start a check to make sure the previous message actually exists. On my version and installation of PHP even though it was set to '0' this was returning true. I had to change the line to the following to prevent a "Invalid Message Error".
if (isset($privatemessageid) and $privatemessageid!=0) {
With that it works great. I recommend that if the error doesn't occur then use Bira's original code. If it does then make this modification.
Thanks wluke, good to know
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
However, if you want to be "holier than the pope" so to speak, do this instead:
if ($prevmessageid) {
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
$forward = iif($forward,1,0);
I think this should work. Try it out and let me know :)
Ok I press preview, and the page refreshes with nothing but a new blank priv message...
help!? :(
LuBi, follow the instructions again and see what you missed out or did wrong
From what I can see I have installed everything correctly, my only problem was that copy and paste part but the problem was no with what I did but that it was interesting ;) anyhow.. now my only worry is when I pree preview it's more like a refresh button and the page comes back blank, exactly what happened before so nothing has changed. I have this hack installed with the jscript hack similar to what firefly runs on here.. but for some reason my preview doesn't work...
LuBi, I honestly don't know how to help you.
If you installed the hack exactly as the instructions say then you shouldn't have any problem.
Your problem, from what you are describing, is that the action 'preview' is either not present in private.php, or misconfigured. If the page simply refreshes, it means it doesn't know what to "do" with 'preview'. That means you installed the hack wrongly.
Ok well that was funny I missed $postpreview 5 times. Now my problem wil be getting this hack to work with the javascript hack. I think I just need to change this $privmessage for $message[message] and I'll be so fresh so clean. THANKS! :D
*Edit - Works now with the javascript hack, my mistake $privmessage had an extra e i.e. $privmessagee Thanks Again!
12-24-2001, 12:50 AM
I tried installing twice. and this is what I get printed on screen above my headers
(part of my VB title) Private Messaging - Send Message
then I get the screen to send PM
and underneath it printed on the screen
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 04:29:14 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_ssl/2.8.2 OpenSSL/0.9.6 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.5 Content-Length: 5331 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=97 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html
and then the vbulletin error message no private message specified...
12-24-2001, 01:14 AM
Stupid me instead of cutting and pasting I did a copy and paste... However I cannot preview. I still am getting the no message specified error....
I applied wluke's fix
if (isset($privatemessageid) and $privatemessageid!=0) {
and it is working now.
Thanks for the hack Bira.
Tommy Boy
01-02-2002, 08:45 PM
Woah! That's what I call a HACK! Many thanks *again* bira! :D
Now could you make a preview when editing posts? ;)
01-03-2002, 11:09 AM
Liking this hack! Thanks:)
One thing though.
How can I modify the preview so that the text will use up more than what it is using now. I am only using 1/3 of the potential screen I could be using.
Any ideas?
01-17-2002, 01:47 AM
Bira I have a small problem with that hack:
when I do:priv_sendprivmsg
And replace it with:
that does not include the quotes when I reply.
When I do: $message[message] $privmessage
that include the quotes but in the new text box if you want to preview, it displays it twice.
How can I fix?
never mind... I was missing a line in private php
if (!isset($privmessage)) {
$privmessage = $message[message];
Tommy Boy
01-17-2002, 06:03 PM
Just wanted to note that you seem to loose the subject when you preview a private message.
02-06-2002, 06:42 PM
hi bira,
ich just installed it and its working fine exept in the preview the formating is not taken over (ie. [quote] ist icons etc. are not converted). Any Idea what i might have done wrong - ive gone over the code serveral times and cant find the cause. Maybe it has something to do with my templates?
regards tina
02-08-2002, 12:47 PM
Works great in 2.2.2
02-25-2002, 06:13 PM
Great hack!
04-21-2002, 04:06 PM
Great Hack Man! Keep up the good work.
05-02-2002, 06:32 AM
Great Hack Bira! :)
I had to use the Wluke modification and it works fine, but when I click preview, selected icon is not selected anymore and smilies are not converted.
05-04-2002, 12:54 PM
Bira, I tried on another server and smilies are converted in preview. What could it be that on one server they are converted and on other are not? (on post preview I have non similiar problem)
05-05-2002, 05:24 PM
;) tnks i need this fix - works great -
tnks for the help,
:) the hack - is just what the doctor ordered - every one likes a preview, i think
[QUOTE]Originally posted by wluke
OKay.. I have installed this as well and come across another pecularity.
If you look in private.php in the "New Message" section there is this line:
if (isset($privatemessageid)) {
Well what this does is start a check to make sure the previous message actually exists. On my version and installation of PHP even though it was set to '0' this was returning true. I had to change the line to the following to prevent a "Invalid Message Error".
if (isset($privatemessageid) and $privatemessageid!=0) {
With that it works great. I recommend that if the error doesn't occur then use Bira's original code. If it does then make this modification.
05-07-2002, 05:42 AM
hi bira,
sending pms works, but when I press "Preview" I get a error message telling me that ** privatemessage ** is not defined or missing?
Ive tripple checked the code and it seems ok, any ideas?
---- update ----
bira forget my message. I was just "holier than the pope" and made the change you suggested to firefly and now it works great! Thanks
greetings tina
05-09-2002, 08:10 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FireFly
Don't forget we do set error reporting to 7 in all vBulletin's scripts. ;)
Annnnnyhow, I just did what you said and everything seems to be working good now. :D
05-17-2002, 09:46 AM
I ran into a unique problem tonight totally by accident. (The wife noticed it, actually. :)) If I reply to a message and send it, everything works fine. But if I preview it before sending it, somehow it "forwards" the message instead of sending it. The better half noticed an FW: on the message after she recieved it and asked how come I was always forwarding messages to her instead of sending them. I always hit the send button, never the forward button. It only seems to happen after previewing them first. Any ideas on this one? :)
05-21-2002, 04:24 AM
Thanks Bira!!
It took me twice :o , but I GOT IT!!!
The only thing is, unlike your screen shot in the opening post, in preview it does no appear to be converting the smilie code into smilies in the preview pane. It just shows the emoticon :-) for example.
No big deal really, I am very happy that it's working!!
If you think of a reason as to why the smilies don't work, that would be kewl, if worries!!
Another GREAT and USEFULL hack!!!
Thanks again!! :cool:
05-21-2002, 06:25 AM
/me likes this hack. Good job!
Mark Hensler
05-23-2002, 05:28 PM
Smilie fix...
// FIND:
$previewmessage=bbcodeparse($message,0,$allowsmili e);
$previewmessage = pmcodeparse($message);
// FIND:
$post['signature'] = bbcodeparse($bbuserinfo['signature'],0,$allowsmilie);
$post['signature'] = pmcodeparse($bbuserinfo['signature']);
05-23-2002, 07:23 PM
Thanks Mark,
I just applied this fix and it works great!! Hopefully Bira will add this fix to the original. ;)
You folks are the best!! :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
05-26-2002, 02:27 AM
Hey Bira,
This hack is working great for me except when I use "PM To Buddies", and select multiple recipients. We sending multilples, I don't get an option to preview at all.
I send mutiples regularly and would really love to have this option available there as well. Any chance?
Thanks as always,
05-26-2002, 03:16 AM
When I install the smilie fix, if the use signature is checked before I preview the message, it is no longer checked when previewing the message. And ideas on this one? :)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Illuvatar
This hack is working great for me except when I use "PM To Buddies", and select multiple recipients. We sending multilples, I don't get an option to preview at all.
05-26-2002, 05:11 PM
I made the same mods to the priv_sendtobuddies template as you suggested and I do get the preview option, and it works great if I only select 1 buddy on the list(as admin I have several). If I select 2 or more buddies to send to the preview button acts like the send button and sends the message straight away without a preview. Is there something else in the php file?
Funny too, cause a whole bunch of my staff received pm's this morning that I had NO intention of sending! hehe
NeWays, one more thing, it seems that whilst in the preview panel that the "clear fields" button does'nt work. Not sure if intentional or not. Please advise.
Thanks as always,
Illu :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
05-29-2002, 06:24 AM
Great hack - works well. :) I love it!
06-05-2002, 11:33 AM
I know I already asked this question in here, but I'm going to ask it again and hopefully this time I might be able to get an answer?
When I preview a message, the use signature becomes unchecked and I have to re-check it manually. Is there any way to fix it so it will stay checked (according to what the user has set in the options)? I uninstalled the smilie fix (which my smilies show fine in preview without it) and that didn't make a difference. Please, can someone help me this time? :)
BTW: I just checked in here on, and it does the same thing. The sig box become unchecked in a preview. Any ideas, anyone?
06-18-2002, 08:15 PM
anyone had this working on vB 2.2.6 because when i click the preview button it says invalid private message specified. FireFly, can you help?
06-19-2002, 09:52 AM
I fixed the signature thing. The sig check box is notchecked when you click preview but here is the fix
Find This In Private.php
} else {
$signaturechecked = '';
and replace it with this
That did it for me and everything works just fine. Enjoy.
06-19-2002, 02:53 PM
But what if you have it not to show in your options? I want it to follow whatever you have set in your options? :)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BigJohnson
I fixed the signature thing. The sig check box is notchecked when you click preview but here is the fix
Find This In Private.php
} else {
$signaturechecked = '';
and replace it with this
That did it for me and everything works just fine. Enjoy.
06-19-2002, 04:00 PM
Does it work with v2.0.3 also?
06-20-2002, 05:37 PM
I seem to be having some strange things happening here.
1. When I attempt to forward a pm to buddies, it doesn't quote the original message, thereby NOT forwarding the original message. It only includes the new data included in the compose box.
2. To work around problem #1, I have to forward to individuals, and when I do so, MY signature is removed and replaced by the receipiants signature....very wierd?
Anybody having these problems?
07-09-2002, 05:37 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by globalwin
anyone had this working on vB 2.2.6 because when i click the preview button it says invalid private message specified. FireFly, can you help?
07-09-2002, 05:49 AM
The answer is in the thread here. :)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
I'm getting this, too.
11-03-2002, 10:09 PM
I installed this on 2.2.8 and all I get is a blank screen when I hit preview. I all have the quick reply add. any ideas?
12-05-2002, 03:51 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
From what you are telling me, I can only assume you have high error reporting set in php.ini.
For the vast majority of the people, that error won't show up because they are not in development environment with high error reporting, and functionality is not tampered.
However, if you want to be "holier than the pope" so to speak, do this instead:
if ($prevmessageid) {
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
$forward = iif($forward,1,0);
I think this should work. Try it out and let me know :)
01-05-2003, 08:02 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Boofo
I ran into a unique problem tonight totally by accident. (The wife noticed it, actually. :)) If I reply to a message and send it, everything works fine. But if I preview it before sending it, somehow it "forwards" the message instead of sending it. The better half noticed an FW: on the message after she recieved it and asked how come I was always forwarding messages to her instead of sending them. I always hit the send button, never the forward button. It only seems to happen after previewing them first. Any ideas on this one? :)
01-05-2003, 09:03 PM
Replace this:
// preview hack
if ($preview) {
$previewmessage=bbcodeparse($message,0,$allowsmili e);
if ($signature) {
$post['signature'] = bbcodeparse($bbuserinfo['signature'],0,$allowsmilie);
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
$subject = $title;
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
$privmessage = $message;
} else {
// preview hack
with this:
// preview hack
if ($preview) {
$previewmessage=bbcodeparse($message,0,$allowsmili e);
if ($signature) {
$post['signature'] = bbcodeparse($bbuserinfo['signature'],0,$allowsmilie);
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
$subject = $title;
if ($prevmessageid) {
$privatemessageid = $prevmessageid;
$forward = iif($forward!='','true','');
$privmessage = $message;
} else {
// preview hack
and this will fix the forwarding problem.
02-23-2003, 10:38 AM
hello friends I tinkered already very much to orginal privat.php and I does not create it not without your assistance this beautiful Hack could I means Privat.php somebody to send and inserts it then? That would be very nice, since my English is now the best also not. subu1 thanks me would make happy: -))
that was my engl. Google Machine *g*
03-14-2003, 01:10 AM
can someone update this hack for 2.3 please
i had an error when requesting preview it was an invalid link or something
Frozen Dreams
05-02-2003, 06:38 PM
I have the quick reply pm box hack installed (this one:
Can someone tell me please how to put the preview button underneath that box as well :blush:
05-23-2003, 06:46 AM
one of the most important features missing in vbulletin :)
thanks for this hack
06-24-2003, 05:29 PM
[QUOTE]03-13-03 at 11:10 PM msimplay said this in Post #67 (
can someone update this hack for 2.3 please
i had an error when requesting preview it was an invalid link or something
07-01-2003, 07:25 PM
it doesnt work for me (i have 2.3.0) it throws an error that i guess its either on member.php or member2.php... but when i look it up in i cant find it in either file *scratches head* ne ideas? like right now i went to edit a post and it says 'Line 44: 'color_text' is not defined'... no clue wut dat is heh..cuz lie 44 shows no errors (in ne of the templates)
a syntax error gets shown on private php as well ... when u try make a new pm
a little help?
07-13-2003, 10:15 AM
[QUOTE]06-24-03 at 08:29 PM ruffnerr said this in Post #70 (
The hack works with 2.3.0, I went through this whole thread and updated the original downloadable hack code with all the enhancements, bug fixes, etc that have been posted.
I'm not a professional hack writer, so I make no guarantees for this code.
07-29-2003, 11:15 PM
It works great , I use v2.3.0 everything is ok except 2 small bugs :
- after pressing preview button, the signature checked becomes unchecked.
- when I modify the subject of the PM or change the subject, after pressing preview button, it goes back as the same subject before.
Can someone know how to fix it ?
08-08-2003, 04:20 PM
I implemented all the changes listed in the support thread, tested it with vB 2.30, fixed another bug not previously fixed, and am posting the updated code here.
See attached instructions for installation.
08-08-2003, 04:26 PM
Such updates should be released in the original thread. Merging threads now..
08-08-2003, 04:26 PM
I think the subject bug was fixed earlier in the thread. To fix the signature check box do this:
Search for:
if (!isset($savecopy)) {
Insert this after:
if ($signature) {
Whoops, threads merged, that's what I get for listening to other posters :squareeyed:
09-30-2003, 08:35 PM
I have installed this hack (and reviewed/implimented all the fixes throughout the site)...and am not getting any errors...but when I click on the preview just refreshs the PM screen and shows again without the preview. All the fields stay intact...but no preview window.
Anybody have any ideas?
10-02-2003, 03:30 PM
<BUMP> - anyone??
Edison Chen
06-10-2004, 01:00 AM
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