View Full Version : Simple question about Categories

11-11-2018, 11:13 PM
I must be missing something. I have a lot of sub-forums (see screenshot 1). I like the way this is organized.

If the user clicks "Albums", however, I do *not* want them to be able to post in just the "Albums" category (see screenshot 2, where I circled).

I know that I can simply fix this by making the forum "act as category", but the problem with this is, it is it no longer organized nicely on the main page (screenshot 3).

So, how can I simply disable their ability to post in "Albums", but keeping the nice organization like in screenshot 1 on the main page? I will have 21 sub forums and I can't have that long of a list on the main page.

Many thanks

11-12-2018, 03:29 PM
Did you try by forum-permissions?
You could make the new thread button invisible instead. Thats not totally disallow because if someone new a bit css it could be make visible again...

If you know php you could use php-hooks to disallow to post to that channel by hookFrontendContentBeforeAdd and altreturn.