View Full Version : Problems with attachments?

09-16-2018, 03:32 PM
My attachments are in a file system.

My members are reporting that attachment uploading is failing.

Initially i was getting an error that the /attachments did not have the proper permissions so I changed it and the next set of subfolders to 777. There are a ton of subfolders inside those that are 755.

This is all the error is showing.


I can upload attachments with no problem.

I use the mod to login as them and can upload no problem,

Any suggestions?

final kaoss
09-16-2018, 04:31 PM
Check your phpinfo to make sure file uploads are enabled. You want to see "file_uploads" = "On".

Have you tested file uploads in the AdminCP?
AdminCP -> Maintenance -> Diagnotsics -> Upload

09-16-2018, 04:36 PM

Yes uploads are on and everything in diagnostics checks out.

I am able to upload photos but it's a few members that cannot.

final kaoss
09-16-2018, 10:42 PM
Interesting. You should ask your users to

1: Have users try different browsers, it could be a browser issue. Ask them to provide feedback
2: double check permissions for usergroups.
3: check forum permissions and make sure uploading for those users is allowed.

final kaoss
09-16-2018, 10:45 PM
And in a unrelated issue (maybe), you need to fix your captcha. I suggest you replace it with this.