View Full Version : Mini Mods - [DBTech] GDPR Compliance

DragonByte Tech
06-12-2018, 09:00 PM
GDPR Compliance is a mod designed to aid you in becoming compliant with GDPR, with features such as logged consent for privacy policy / terms of service and downloading user data.

GDPR Compliance is a mod designed to aid you in becoming compliant with GDPR, by allowing admins to force agreement to the Privacy Policy / Terms of Service and recording this consent. Furthermore, admins can download user data in machine readable format via the AdminCP.


Extended Product Information

Force Privacy Policy acceptance: Admins can force all users to accept the privacy policy, and users will see a date stamp of when it was last updated.

Force Terms of Service acceptance: Admins can force all users to accept the Terms of Service, and users will see a date stamp of when it was last updated.

Logged consent: A machine readable database table logs the time stamp of the last time a user ID consented to the privacy policy and/or terms of service.

User data download: Administrators with the "Can Administer Users" permission can download user data via a new page in the AdminCP.

Copyright Information

This mod does not display any copyright information.

06-13-2018, 08:56 PM
You will be my hero! We installed but i cannot find the option to edit something in any way. The file force_agreement.php brings blank page.

Any idea?


06-17-2018, 04:43 PM
You will be my hero! We installed but i cannot find the option to edit something in any way. The file force_agreement.php brings blank page.

Any idea?


Until someone with knowledge or the author replies, I hope this will help ?

It worked OK for me. You did use the correct xml yes ? There are two in the .zip I see.

Check your php error logs. Blank page usually php error. If you do not want to force display of them check in your Cpanel (or other control panel) for an error log link and / or look in the forum directory or root directory for an error log file, sometimes some hosts will have it configged to log errors to a file so you might see it there.

If you are still stuck, it would be best to tell your host a script is giving blank pages and you want to see the error logs. They should be able to tell you how to view them.

06-18-2018, 07:05 PM
Thanks for supporting us!:-)

No, there is no error in the log file and we used the correct version in the zip file.

Any other idea?

06-20-2018, 05:23 AM
You did set a URL for "Privacy Statement" and "Terms Of Service" yes ? It is on the users tab. :)

Then the actual place for the URL is in the options.

Pleasee see the screenshots:

12-30-2018, 08:55 PM
It might just be me, but the force agreement does not allow a user to actually view the privacy policy as it redirects back to the force agreement

Furthermore, I had to add /forum/ to the global.php file before misc.php as if a user was on a vBadvanced page, they would get a 404 as the forum directory part was missed off.