View Full Version : Multiple Issues

05-16-2018, 06:03 AM
Hello there. I got some issues with my forum that I'll list down hoping that someone could offer a help or solution regarding those matters.

1. Report Post
-Whenever I click on report post button, it will direct me to a page where I will enter the reason for reporting post. However, After clicking submit, it will show something like report was successful however I can't see any report filed anywhere in the forum or in admin CP. Even as a Mail or PM. How do I fix that?

2. Email verification
-Whenever a new user registers in my forum, they do not receive an email confirmation containing the activation codes or link. How do I fix that?

3. "SOME" threads can't be opened
-There are some threads that work after posting it. However after some time, those threads suddenly do not work. Whenever you click it, everything just goes blank. Like all gray and nothing shows up. This only happens on a few threads. However some important threads are affected. How do I fix that?

4. Can see who has viewed the thread
-I have enabled the option "Can View Who Read A Thread". I believe that's the option where you can see all users who has viewed the thread. I've done that in other forum. However in here, I can only see who is currently viewing the thread and not everyone who has viewed the thread.

05-16-2018, 07:39 AM
1 & 2 are related, the report should of been emailed out tothe staff, sounds like a server email issue or your isp blocking the email from your server.

3. enable display_errors in php & restart apache or tail the apache or system logs to find out what the actual error is on the blank page.

4. the list of everyone who has viewed a thread is an addon, not a default feature of vb.

05-16-2018, 08:27 AM
1 & 2 are related, the report should of been emailed out tothe staff, sounds like a server email issue or your isp blocking the email from your server.

3. enable display_errors in php & restart apache or tail the apache or system logs to find out what the actual error is on the blank page.

4. the list of everyone who has viewed a thread is an addon, not a default feature of vb.


regarding #1, I'd like the reported posts be posted as a thread instead in a specific forum section. I just couldn't figure out what to do

#2, if it's a server mail issue what could be a possible solution sir?

#3, Yea I checked it is off, any idea how to turn it on?

#4. Thank you. Gonna find this one

Max Taxable
05-16-2018, 05:21 PM
regarding #1, I'd like the reported posts be posted as a thread instead in a specific forum section.ACP>Options>User Infractions & Post Reporting Options

05-17-2018, 10:00 PM
2. Youll need to do some debugging & check your mail log on the server & see what error is being logged when testing the function

3. edit php.ini & enable it.

05-18-2018, 08:41 AM
Regarding the blank page as others have said likely a php error. You may if you are lucky find in the web root (public_html) directory an error_log file that the server has already created, the last few lines of this should reveal the cause.

If you are not sure ask your host, just tell them you are getting blank white pages with your script (Vbulletin in this case) and want to temporarily enable displaying errors, they should be able to point you in the right direction.

05-21-2018, 11:01 AM
About who has seen the thread feature, I've seen in multiple posts that the feature is already built-in in vb4.2.x versions. However I can't see it available in ours. And those mods are already deleted.

05-21-2018, 12:25 PM
About who has seen the thread feature, I've seen in multiple posts that the feature is already built-in in vb4.2.x versions. However I can't see it available in ours. And those mods are already deleted.

What version of 4.2.x are you using specifically ? (might not be relevant but its helpful to know just in case) , Mind you having said that thinking about this, I have actually seen it in 3.8.x although if it was built in or a third party addon I cannot remember.

On a localhost test board I have which is 4.2.5 , as described it is under Usergroup Manager -> Choose and edit a group -> Forum Viewing Permissions -> See the attached screen shot for this

Also the actual "Where does it show this information" is underneath the thread area , please again see the other attached screen shot.

Hope that is at least a bit of help. :) Note my admin picture incorrectly shows that setting as 'no' but you see where it is now anyway for sure.

If it is not showing on the front end underneath the thread itself, are you using a custom style ? Temporary switch to the default one if so to at least eliminate the (unlikely but not impossible I guess) chance it is not present in the third party style.