View Full Version : How could I run this giveaway?

02-11-2018, 06:54 PM
Hi, I'd like to do monthly giveaways on my forum.

Each post = 1 entry. And then at the end of the month, a random winner would be chosen.

To prevent abuse I'd like to be able to:
1. limit qualifying posts to specific boards
2. have a minimum number of characters for a post to qualify (not absolutely necessary if this is too difficult to do)
3. limit to a specific usergroup

It would be great if I could somehow set a date range, then generate a numbered list of posts that fit the criteria above and then I could just use random.org to choose one. Is there a way I could gather this data?

02-12-2018, 12:55 PM
just a couple of thoughts

if you have a minimum number of characters set on your forum to post already, then a post would mean that the number of characters has been satisfied. I understand that you are looking to avoid posts like


from qualifying, but this is something that would require a bit of honor from your members.

2) I have used this mod to create an entry form


I have to plan my March giveaway, but allowed for 1 entry per day (honor system), extra entry automatically for my VIP members, extra entry if members sent out a tweet from their handle about the contest.

In the past, I have tried to incorporate other parts of my site (sportscardforum.com) in order help against the junk post.

02-12-2018, 01:31 PM
Thank you for your reply. Being able to filter out short posts would be nice, but not necessary. I could still make it a rule and at least then they would think it’s not counting as an entry.

I’d really like to increase member activity, quality posts, and member retainment with a monthly drawing. My issues are that too many new members are only joining to post a single question and never come back. And older members lose their enthusiasm and eventually get tired of replying to posts in the main board and stick mainly to a board that new members and unregistered guests cannot see, to talk about off topic things. So a form-based entry would not accomplish my goals unfortunately.

02-13-2018, 03:21 AM
i do have a question for you because I have not looked at posts being worth an entry; how would you determine that information?

02-13-2018, 03:47 AM
i like the idea....i wonder if it might be easiest to simply draw from post id#s in the date range....then manually checking the "winning post" to determine if it is a good enough one for a prize or not....and redrawing if not

02-13-2018, 04:39 AM
i like the idea....i wonder if it might be easiest to simply draw from post id#s in the date range....then manually checking the "winning post" to determine if it is a good enough one for a prize or not....and redrawing if not

that would be a slick little modification to create a "randomizer" based on the number of posts made by members during a time period.

02-13-2018, 04:56 AM
i do have a question for you because I have not looked at posts being worth an entry; how would you determine that information?

I really don?t mind what the post is about, as long as it is not too short. Length would be my only criteria. I think I?d just make a rule that says posts under 5 words will not count as an entry. I?m hoping that encourages people to write better quality posts.

i like the idea....i wonder if it might be easiest to simply draw from post id#s in the date range....then manually checking the "winning post" to determine if it is a good enough one for a prize or not....and redrawing if not

That?s not a bad idea. I guess I could do that. It would include posts by people who are not in the eligible usergroup, but I could just redraw until it picked a user in the correct usergroup too. Thanks for the idea. Sometimes I overthink things and make it harder than it needs to be haha.