View Full Version : background hack for Category backgrounds.

11-22-2001, 08:45 PM
I think it might be easist to explain this by first providing a link to my forums ( a Final Fantasy site)


For my categories (main attractions, FF, site related, etc etc. ), I use a background image. Now my question is, is it posible some how to create a hack (or if there is one-which i dont think there is) that would allow me to use different background images for each category. (so a total of 4 different images would be used in this case).

If anyone could help me out that would be great.
FFAlpha used to do something like this, but that was on a ubb. So i don't know if it is possible for a vb.


11-23-2001, 02:24 AM
How do you at least do what you did. How do you make those categories have a background image?

11-23-2001, 02:48 AM
Kumaro, go to your admin panel then go to style>modify>fonts/colors/etc> then under Category background color just use this:

#FFFFFF" background="{imagesfolder}/yourimage.gif

change yourimage.gif to whatever the image is that you made. Make it 25pixels high by 1pixel wide. you can change the #FFFFFF to your background color for your category background that way it atleast has a good color before the image loads. Also if people browse without images on then they will atleast get a good background color :D

11-23-2001, 01:43 PM
Thanx Schmoo, working...

02-06-2002, 08:56 AM
that doesnt work for me?

it makes the category strip go brown, and doesnt put the image there either

#6687D4 background="{imagesfolder }/catbg.jpg"

imagesfolder doesnt have a space before } though

please advise

02-10-2002, 12:07 PM
Try it without the { imagesfolder } tag, like if you have catbg.jpg in the images folder then just put there images/catbg.jpg

02-11-2002, 12:42 AM
In order to make it work, you have to put a " after the background color, so do #6687D4" background=blah...

Originally posted by Airwaves
that doesnt work for me?

it makes the category strip go brown, and doesnt put the image there either

#6687D4 background="{imagesfolder }/catbg.jpg"

imagesfolder doesnt have a space before } though

please advise

02-11-2002, 02:06 AM
I found only one problem with that though, when I try to do that it does work as christina said, but it screws up my CSS. I have my CSS set to where links are underlined only when you "mouseover" them and when I add " background="images/catbg.gif" to it then it forces all of the links to be underlined.

Anyone else seeing this or am I the only one? Below is what I place in the Cat BG color box:

#FFFFFF" background="images/catbg.gif"

Doing that presents the problem stated above :(

02-11-2002, 02:12 AM
Ah, I found a way to get around that problem I was having so pay no attetion to the above post that I made. Instead of just adding 1 " you need to surround the color code with them also so that it looks like below:

"#000000" background="images/catbg.gif"

Mine works perfectly now :)

02-11-2002, 11:03 AM
i will try this later :D let you know how it goes :D

02-12-2002, 12:24 PM
Ah, I found a way to get around that problem I was having so pay no attetion to the above post that I made. Instead of just adding 1 " you need to surround the color code with them also so that it looks like below:

When I do this the PM strip goes black.


Ambex Net
02-17-2002, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by netman

When I do this the PM strip goes black.

Why? You are forgetting to put a


so it'd be


03-26-2002, 02:10 PM
I got a problem... please help!

i got a major problem... im using the silver bar on the main catogory headers (in main colours in the CP) but it wont show on all off them...?

why...? Please advise....

please view my forum at http://www.rapdis.com/forum/index.php?

In the Catogory Strip Backround Colour, I have put #606096 "background="http://www.rapdis.com/forum/images/xp.gif

Why doesnt it do it for all the main forum headers and only the first one?

01-07-2003, 05:06 PM
The image thing worked nicely....with one glitch. My links come up black instead of white.

Does anyone know why?

edited Nevermind! I figured it out.