View Full Version : link for submit able pdf? (vb4)

11-10-2017, 07:57 AM
i wonder can anyone help me sort this code?

i am looking for something similar, along the line of how the easyforms product can be configured to have a form start its own self titled thread....

its easy enough to put a link on a pdf but how to syntax the code i am unsure....

i know that if you normally start a thread, the url output will be like:


with 83 being the forum the new topic will post to....

but putting that on the pdf will only link it to a new started topic where members would need to manually embed the form, which they would not be able to do :(

pdf BBcode IS installed.....but requires the pdf to be uploaded, and thread manually started all separately which is a bit too messy than id like...

so....well its possible right?

to start a new self titled topic, containing the filled out pdf, with a link on the pdf form?
