View Full Version : vBulletin 4 Request - Auto post (Welcome new members)

08-14-2017, 10:24 PM
To whom it may concern,

I am looking for a vbulletin 4 mod in which I can use that will allow me to set up an automatic message every time a new user registers on my website and it posts a welcome message from an admin account.

example 1: http://prntscr.com/g8jl69

example 2: http://prntscr.com/g8jlh3

I currently run my own online gaming community for xbox gamers and this would benefit my community when new members join other members will see the automatic welcome message and make that individual feel welcomed.

If there is already a mod on the market or if we need to move this into a paid section for quality work then please inform me so and then we can talk further about the development of this modification.

-thank you

08-14-2017, 11:30 PM

I know there used to be such a product here, but I believe the author removed it.

I currently have a product available that sends a visitor message to new and/or returning members, where the author of the message is randomly chosen from a list of userids you supply in the product settings. You can see it here:

New/Returning Members Visitor Message (https://vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=319409)

I could easily modify this product to post new threads instead of sending visitor messages.

Would you rather just simply select one or more usergroups from which a user is chosen at random to be the author of the thread, or would you prefer to maintain a list of individual users from whom to randomly choose?

08-16-2017, 11:13 PM
I have published my product here:

Welcome Threads (https://theadminzone.com/threads/welcome-threads.145430/)