View Full Version : search problem on vb4 with utf8 (persian) language

06-22-2017, 10:30 AM
Dear friends
I recently upgraded from vb3 to vb4 and my forum language is persian(farsi) utf8
The problem is that I can only use search for ENGLISH language words and if we search any utf8 word, search result nothing.

please help us why we have this issue on vb4 only, cause on vb3 i had no problem

and i have heared about installing Sphinx Search For vBulletin 4 1.2.9 for resloving this issue.

any help appreciated!

07-09-2017, 03:21 PM
any one can help me?

08-10-2017, 04:33 PM
why noone even reply to my topic?!!!