View Full Version : Links gives Navigation Bar Problem

06-15-2017, 11:29 AM
I am running VBadvanced links and have noticed an issue with the navigation bar in VB 4.2.3 .

It seems that all tabs work fine until you click on the links tab. When you have loaded the Links page, it displays an url " https://www.teambuick.com/links// " with an extra slash. While on the Links page most of the other tabs, when hovered over, will display " links/ " inserted in them and when clicked on will show give the appropriate error. The error does not show on the "Home" tab.

I have searched for something I have done that could relate to this error, but I can't find anything. I would expect it to be something I did, but I am wondering if it is a problem with the way it ties into the vbulletin Navigation Manager.

Thanks for any direction.

06-18-2017, 10:42 PM
It seems like the quick and dirty 'fix' would be to use the Replacement Variable Manager on 'links//' => 'links/' while you went through the VBA scripts to hunt down the problem?

06-19-2017, 12:17 AM

I am sorry I did not update this thread.

What I have found is, I had the links directory outside the forums directory. It had worked. Something must have changed. I have moved the links directory inside the forums directory as the default set up would have been. I have changed all the settings and it seems to have solved the problem.

I wonder if this could be a result of something upgrade? on my vpserver.

Anyway it seems to have worked, and thank you for looking at my problem and giving some guidance!