View Full Version : Blogs Visibility

05-05-2017, 08:17 PM
I'm testing out the vB4 Blogs functionality.

Currently, I have some concerns about visibility. Are there any hacks, add-ons, mods, or things I'm missing that can make the blogs more visible to the rest of the site? I'd particular like to have a listing of recent blog articles in a sidebar block and/or to be able to access the same from my PHP front page.

05-05-2017, 08:38 PM
At the page where you can manage the forum blocks, there's a block you can add called "Activitystream". In the settings of this block you can tick to show: all, photo, forum, CMS, blog or group activity.

05-05-2017, 10:05 PM
At the page where you can manage the forum blocks, there's a block you can add called "Activitystream". In the settings of this block you can tick to show: all, photo, forum, CMS, blog or group activity.

Didn't realize there were new blocks that could be added there. Thanks!