View Full Version : Forums not displayed in forumlist, but ARE displayed in forum jump

11-18-2001, 11:09 PM
Would it be possible to set a forum so it doesn't display on the main index with the other forums, but in the forum jump dropdown boxes, it's there as normal?

11-19-2001, 04:41 AM
There is one easy way I can think of right now.

In functions.php, change this:
$iforums=$DB_site->query('SELECT forumid,parentid,displayorder,title FROM forum WHERE displayorder<>0 AND active=1 ORDER BY parentid,displayorder,forumid');
into this:
$iforums=$DB_site->query('SELECT forumid,parentid,displayorder,title FROM forum WHERE active=1 ORDER BY parentid,displayorder,forumid');
Now change every forum's display order to 0, and it will not show up on the main index, but it will be in the forum jump.

I guess you can add another 'special option' for the display order, let's say -1, but that would take more hacking.

11-19-2001, 08:08 AM
That looks like just what I need :) All I want is for my zine-related forums to not appear in the main community listing, so this should be perfect.

Thanks as always! :D

11-26-2001, 03:09 AM
Just a followup... this doesn't work :( They neither display on the forum index OR on the forumjump (I definitely want them displayed on the latter)...

Any ideas?:(

Frustratingly yours
Mark :p

11-26-2001, 06:26 AM
just add these forums manually to the forumjump template.

eg, place <option value="1">Forum No 1</option> there.

11-26-2001, 06:37 AM
I have multiple template sets, and if I ever need to change which forums are viewable or not, re-editing the templates would be a pain in the bum to say the least :)

11-26-2001, 12:34 PM
Ok, I'm sorry.

It's not displayed because it's using a cache already set in a previous code, so it doesn't use what I told you to replace.
Sorry. :(

Only way I can think of is not using the forum cache at all, but that would really slow down the forumjump box.

11-26-2001, 12:50 PM
Ok, that's cool FF :) It was more just the icing on the cake rather than something essential :)

You can't have the answers all the time! :p

Thanks :)